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Small recap
Bakugou, and Deku both go over, and eat...Once they finish they go up to Deku's room, Which is covered in all might stuff

Deku- ....just Ignore my room ok...

Baku- Haha nerd, its fine!

Deku- Do you want to watch a movie!

Bakugou gets an evil smirk on his face

Baku- Only if its scary

Deku felt shivers down his back

Deku- seriously....

Baku- Guess you don't wanna watch a movie


They turn on the movie, but this time Bakugou makes sure it isn't to much For Deku...

3rd POV
The movie soon starts come to an end, and Bakugou begins talking to Deku

(Bakugou's voice will be in normal print, then Dekus will be in Italian print, just to make it easier)

Hey Deku, about the sleepover...


I was wondering was it all true...I'm just making sure....*chuckles* We all know you say, and do things when you drink

Y-yeah...It was all true...O-of course it was true, and yeah i may have a small alcohol problem *Laughs*

*Bakugou blushes* haha, really? y-you like me?

I mean i told you at the sleepover....Why are you asking anyway?

Don't worry about it...

Mydoria's POV
I knew why kacchan was asking me these questions, i know he's scared of his feelings, i know its hard for him to do things like this so, i know i need to take action

Mhm....Kacchan, *Deku blushes, and smiles* Will you go out with me, like on a date

R-really...I mean Yeah, Yes!

I then saw Kacchan hid his face, i knew he was crying, but he didn't wanna show it...So cute

I uncover his face, then grabbed his waist pulled him tight, and kissed him

His lips were so soft, the kiss was passionate, and we both had tears running down our face

3rd POV

Soon the kiss ended, and Kacchan began to talk

(Again same print, to make it easier)

Hey D-deku

yeah Kacchan?

About going out...When would you like to do know go on the date?

*Deku laughs on how soft baku is acting* 

What's so funny?

S-sorry,*still laughing*  your just so cute, anyways it can be Friday, this Friday, we can go out to dinner, and then the movies

O-oh Ok, perfect, i can pick you up, 6:00?

*Smiles* Ok perfect, now lets get to bed...*Yawn* I'm getting tired

Sounds good...

Bakugou gets up, and turns the lights off, and gets in bed, spooning deku

night nerd...

*smiles* night baby

*Bakugou smiles* god i love you

I love you to...soft boy

Don't make me blow you up nerd!!

hehe you love me, and you know it...

It started with a sleepover Where stories live. Discover now