Naive and Stupid

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"Mason. Honey wake up," whispered his mother.

"Five more minutes mom," Mason growned.

"No get your lazy ass off that bed unless you want to be late on your first day." his mother pointed out.

"Alright mom," he finally agreed and got up to get dress properly. Once he was downstairs he said a quick good morning to his parents and twin little sisters then walked outside to the shinny sun. A big grin was plastered on his face with eyes full of joy.

Entering West High he looked everywhere to possible encounter Alicia. No sign or trace was seen of her. He asked one of her close friends but they too haven't seen her anywhere.

Around the afternoon it was lunch time. Entering the cafeteria he looked at his usual spot where he sat every year and Alicia too. But she wasn't there either. Mason felt something was out of order. He knew Alicia too well to know she wouldn't skip or miss school. He started searching the whole school. He past the janitors closet only to be stopped by soft quiet sobbing. Slowly opening the closet there was Alicia crying her heart out.

"What's wrong, snow?" he asked the girl who had hair white as snow, known as Alicia. She didn't respond instead she melted into his arms.

"I feel like garbage, Mase" she replied. He had a confused look until she took out a tube like thing from her back pocket. She held it out to him. He took it as if it were a fragile thing.

"What is this?" he questioned her.

"It's a..." she trailed off. She started getting second thoughts about telling Mason. But she just sucked it up and thought why not? He's my best friend,"A pregnancy test came out positive."

"Alicia," he whispered looking up from the tube shocked. Wide eyes stared right back at her glossy eyes"How?"

"I went to one of those parties and I guess I got to drunk. I-I feel stupid, disgusted, used and above all like crap," she barley whispered."What am I going to do now, Mason? My dad is going to kill me when he gets back from that business trip in Hawaii."

"Who did this to you Alicia?" Mason asked with pure furry in his eyes. True hatred was held towards who ever caused such mistake for Alicia. Forgetting about her worries.

"K-Kian," she stuttered.

"That prick," he hissed standing up and heading towards the lunch room.

"Mason please don't," Alicia pleaded him.

"What do you mean by don't Alicia?" he shrieked,"He raped you or probably spiked your drink," Mason didn't care about anything than colliding his fist against the boys perfect face. Alicia knew she couldn't convince him so she just quietly followed behind him.

Inside the cafeteria he yelled out,"Kian Dixon!" Every head swung towards Mason's direction. Mason walked straight to Kian and flesh against flesh was being collided. Kian fell backward cut off guard.

"Fight! Fight!" screamened the students. Fists were traded between them two. Alicia just watched and froze. Bruises left on their faces that will soon turn purple or blue. The fight was over once Mr.Smith broke it up. Mason and Kian were both taken to the principals office. When Mr.Smith turned around to leave he noticed Alicia shaking with fear.

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