One Choice or None

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"What do you mean by a week suspension?" Kian yelled.

"Mr.Dixon I prefer if you would lower done your tone," Mr.Combright begged.

"How am I suppose to lower down my tone when this smoker here started it all?" Kian questioned.

"What did you say you piece of shit?" Mason hissed standing right infront of his face.

"I think you need to clean your ears if you couldn't here me," Kian said,"Do me a favor, also clean your mouth it shrieks of cigar and vodka."

"I swear to my dear mother I will beat up the-" He was cut off.

"That's enough!" Yelled Mr.Combright,"I will not accept such tolerance in this school and my office,"

Both boys sighed and took a seat. They both glanced anywhere but each other and the angry eyes from their principal.

"Both are suspended for a week. Disscusion closed," he stated,"Am I clear?"

"Yes," they mumbled.

"Am. I. Clear." Mr.Combright repeated with a serious tone.

"Yes," they said louder this time.

"Let's call your parents," he suggested.

In another situation Mr.Smith was talking to Alicia. Alicia's fidgeting was noticed by him.

"Alicia did this fight occur because of you?" he asked."Was Mason being jelouse,"

"No," she sighed. Her two hands were scrunched into her hair. Tugging it slightly.

"What triggered this fight Alicia?" he asked."It seems like you know why,"

She hesitated on whether telling him or not. She needed someone right now and no one was there. "Mason found out I'm..." she trailed off.

"Found out what?" he urged her to continue.

Her eyes were glossy. She wanted to burst into tears. Alicia looked into Mr. Smith's eyes and she put a hand in her stomach were the living seed would be growing. She looked down where her hand was. She stroke her stomach carefully and looked back up to his eyes.

"When did this occur Alicia?" he asked with tears building up.

"Saturday. A party before school started. My friends said I was very anti-social and never had 'fun'" she replied slightly annoyed,"I got tired of the bullshit they were talking about me. So I agreed and let loose. I believe I got super drunk that I woke up the next morning naked lying in a bed with Kian. I started to eat a lot and vomit too. I felt unsure so I took one of those tests and...and it came out positive. I don't know what I'm going to do. My dad will be back soon from a business trip. He will be disappointed in me even disgusted," By then Alicia was in tears. Pooring her eyes out. Mr. Smith passed her a tissue.

"Alicia go home and rest we will talk tomorrow alright?" He suggested.

"Ok," She nodded in agreement.

Going to her locker she noticed her best friend Jade walking up to her. Jade had red hair, two lip rings, and a bird tattoo in her right forearm. Jade was a foster kid till she was finally adopted at the age of 9. Her adoptive parents aren't nothing like her. They're very religious. Being an adoptive child was a very stressful situation. So she turned to her budy that solved all her problems. Drugs.

"Hey white hair," she greeted with a small smile.

"Whats up red hair?" Alicia questioned. 

"Nothing much. Just going to skip the rest of the day and go skateboarding," she explained. Jade loved skateboarding, it was an escape."With Ryan,"

Ryan was her two year boyfriend. He doesn't use drugs but he has been trying to make her stop. She is getting better but slowly. He loves her but its hard being a junior while your boyfriend is recently starting college in Harvard University.

"Mr.Smith gave me permission to go home early" Alicia announced

"Why? You sick?" 

"No Jade," sighed ,"I'll tell you outside. Apperantly the walls have to many ears,"

Jade agreed and both made their way outside. Walking to Alicia's house Jade hung on to every single word that spilled out from Alicia's mouth.

"I'm no longer a virigin," she blurted out. 

"Oh please tell me you used protection?" Jade pleaded. She had stopped in her tracks facing Alicia with hopeful eyes.

"Nope," she answered bluntly.

"Alicia," Jade whined.

"I'm sorry ok?"

"You have nothing to be sorry about. What's your father going to say about all of this?"

"All I know is that i'm lucky he's away for nine and a half months,"

"What are you going to do with the child?" 

"I honestly have no clue," Alicia whispered.

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