588 4 0

This code requires a keyword and the Polybius square. And, simple mathematics. For those whose not familiar with Polybius square it looks like the photo on the media above.

    1  2  3  4  5
1  A B  C
2 f G  H I/J K
3  L M N  O  P
4  Q R  S  T  U
5  V W X  Y  Z

So, let's make an example. The keyword will be QED. And the plaintext (hidden message) will be LOMIE FOR THE WIN. After that, do this (newbie style):

(Legend: P – Plaintext) (K – Keyword)

P — K
L — Q
O — E
M — D
I — Q
E — E
F — D
O — Q
R — E
T — D
H — Q
E — E
W —D
I — Q
N — E

Use Polybius Square for the Plaintext and also for the Keyword for their equivalents. Like this:

   P         K
L (31) – Q (41)
O (34) – E (15)
M (32) – D (14)
I (24) – Q (41)
E (15) – E (15)
F (21) – D (14)
O (34) – Q (41)
R (42) – E (15)
T (44) – D (14)
H (23) – Q (41)
E (15) – E (15)
W (52) – D (14)
I (24) – Q (41)
N (33) – E (15)

After getting their equivalents using POLYBIUS SQUARE, let's do the simple math: ADDITION.

So it will look like this:

L= 72
O= 49
M= 46
I= 65
E= 30
F= 35
O= 76
R= 57
T= 58
H= 64
E= 30
W= 66
I= 65
N= 48

The encrypted form will look like this:

72 49 46 65 30 35 76 57 58 64 30 66 65 48

You can put symbols for division like hypen (-), or slash (/), or this (>). Also to make it look like a hard code.

To decrypt Nihilist, you need to look for the keyword. For example: 72 is the code and QED is the keyword. Look for polybius and the equivalent of Q, which is 41 then subtract it to 72. The result will be 31 which is "L" in polybius. Repeat the process until you finish the Decrypted text.

DECIPHER: A Compilation of codes and ciphersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon