t h e t r u t h

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she stumbled and her vision blurred. she fell to the ground of the alleyway. she repeated his name. over and over.

"peter," she crawled toward him and pulled her his head into her lap. a sob caught in her throat, escaping in a strangled cry.

"please, peter! you were supposed to be okay. you said you  would never leave me! how could you break your promise?!"

she looked around, desperately. there was no one. it was just her and peter.

"please," she continued, choking on another sob. "peter, i love you. please."she connected their foreheads, hoping it would do something. anything. it didn't.

she said one final word to him, it barely a whisper. "please."
mj shot up in bed. she sighed as she realized it was just another nightmare. she turned to her right and saw she was alone.

she climbed out of bed and slowly opened the door, trying to be quiet. there really was no reason to. no one else was home, but she did it anyway.

she padded down the stairs and rounded the corner to the kitchen. she made her way toward the stove, grabbing the teapot. she filled it up with water and returned to the now hot stove. she grabbed two mugs and two tea bags fromt he cabinet. after she had fixed both cups of tea, she headed back upstairs to her bedroom.

once she had situated herself on her balcony, she began to wait for peter.
michelle has finished her cup of tea babe peter's had gone cold by the time he came. "hi, peter," she said, handing him his mug.

"what's wrong?" he immediately questioned.

"nothing, i was just waiting for you." michelle softly smiled, but peter could tell something was off. he always could.

"michelle," he urged. he was serious. he never called her michelle, only mj.

"it was just a nightmare, peter." she insisted, trying not to look him in the eyes that would give her away.

but he already knew it wasn't just a nightmare. "michelle," he repeated, taking her chin in her fingers, forcing them to make eye contact. "it was not just a nightmare."

this only caused her to cry again. he wrapped her up in his arms and tried to comfort her in any way he could. eventually, between sobs, she managed to to tell him the contents of her dream.

"i promise you this, mj, i would never leave you. i love you and i wouldn't put you through that pain. i promise, mj, i'm not leaving you."

"how can you make that promise?" she exclaimed and sat back, crossing her legs. "i love you peter, with all my heart. i want you to come home to me , every night, safe and sound. but you can't promise that you will, can you?"

"you're right, i can't." he sighed, sitting up to face her better. "but, i can promise that i will try. every day. mj, you come first. always."

she nodded, standing up. she took both of their mugs and headed inside.
soon enough, they were both situated in bed, ready to go to sleep. peter had his arm around michelle's shoulder and her head was on his chest. peter was already asleep, but, michelle was still trying to find a peace of mind.

she knew peter might not come home one night. he couldn't promise her to stay safe. but he promised her to try.

the truth is, peter doesn't break his promises.

this one is kind of short, i kind of struggles with how to end. hope you enjoy anyway. 

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582 words

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