Chapter two: in which there be nerds afoot

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Hoi. I'm at an airport terminal with a lot of time to kill and I don't really have the motivation to do anything else, so I'll do this.

No? Plan. Just? Write. Hotel? Trivago.

Later edit: be prepared for more Shakespeare references than you've ever seen. I'm ridiculously theatrical and it shows in this chapter.


~ Y/N's PoV ~

"Y/N, honey, come look at this!"

I quickly hung up the remainder of the canes in my hand and trotted to the front of the store, where Mrs. D was grinning out the window at something.

I followed her gaze up to the streetlight, which now had a flag waving happily in the slight breeze.


Before Mrs. D could utter a word of confusion, I slipped past her and began the short run to my cousin's residence.

It turned out that the run felt a lot longer when you actually ran it, so I stopped about halfway there on a bench, panting.

If I couldn't interrogate him in person, I'd have to settle for the next best thing.

"C'mon, Wy, pick up, pick up..." I muttered into my phone.

"Hey Y/N, what's going o-"


I heard a sigh from the other end. He tried again.

"Look, they just do it every few years, and I never know when exactly it happens. If I did, you'd know."

"No dip, Sherlock!"

I hung up. This was his fault, after all. If he'd told me, I could've been more prepared for this momentous occasion.

I jogged back to the costume shop - more careful of my pace this time - and brainstormed what I could do. There would be plenty of Mercutios and Tybalts dueling in the streets, no doubt, so that was out of the question. It was easy enough to drag one's significant other into being a lover. Lysander and Hermia, Hamlet and Horatio, that sort of thing, so they'd most likely be taken.

"What's got you all in a tizzy?" Mrs. D asked rather amusedly as I entered the shop, most likely with a deeply contemplative expression.

I froze mid-step, held up a forefinger, and then whirled around to face her.

"Do we still have that dark green mask with the gold accents?" I asked.

"I-I think so, it'll be in the back. What's this all about?"

I half-listened to her (now rather concerned) questioning as I dug through various bins.

"Here it is!" I exclaimed, holding up the mask above my head in triumph.


I scrambled to my feet, putting on my best no-you-don't-understand-this-is-a-big-deal look.

"Tis a glorious day, Mrs. D! There be nerds afoot! I must take my leave now, and walk the streets a chang'd character. Strike, drum!"

On the final word, I took a bow and grabbed a few articles of clothing on my way out of the shop.

~ Time skip ~

I looked myself over in the mirror.

(A/N: pick a mask, children) 

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