Part two

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When Sam woke up all the pain was gone and he was happy and Colby was still sleeping he got up to change then after he change he kissed Colby and snuggled to him then Colby woke up and groaned and he said Sammy I am sore then sam said sorry that was your punishment. Colby got up to change and Sam watched him and then when Colby took off his boxers Sam got a boner and Colby looked over and seen his boner and Colby touched himself to Tease Sam and Colby was moaning and when Colby said imma cum Sam ran over and put Colby's dick in his mouth and Colby came in his mouth Sam swolled it. Then Sam stood up and kissed Colby Sam said get dressed then Colby got dressed and then Sam got the hand cuffs and Sam said Colby put your hands behind your back so he did and turned Colby around and kissed him and Sam ran down the stairs and Colby followed him and Sam showed him the camera that was recording Colby and sam laughed and Colby said let me out know then Sam undid one of them and put it on his hand and Sam said we are handcuffed for 24 hours dude and he laughed and Colby did not. Then Colby said I really hate this after they did that and posted it Kat subscribe to them and comment this sam I did not mean to hurt you plz unblock me or you we'll regret. Then when Sam read that Sam turned off his laptop and ran upstairs and Colby was confused and open his laptop and read the comment and growled and ran to Sam and went in and seen Sam crying. Sam said I don't know what to do then Colby said unblock her text her that your dating someone else and Sam said can u the Colby said yes then Colby did it
The text:
Sam: hey sorry I am dating someone else
Kat: ugh why
Sam:because u cheated and I was crying which  yeah know leave me the fuck alone
Kat:I'm sorry but ok bye
End of text
Then Colby said I did it babe then Sam said thx baby then Sam sat in Colby's lap facing him and hugging him and then Colby took his shirt off. Sam got a Boner and Sam said I hate when you take off your shirt I get to happy don't you dare do it on camera or we will get exposed Colby said only if we in water  and Sam said shit I forgot about that and Colby did a cute giggle and it turned Sam more on and said Colby if you keep turning me in your gonna get punished and sam smacked Colby's ass Colby said can we do this tomorrow cuz I wanna go to bed and Sam said I guess meany and Colby kissed Sam goodnight and then Sam snuggled close to him to feel safe and he hid his face in Colby's neck then he kissed his neck and Colby said stop cuz your turning me on then Sam did it long were it left a wet Hickey Colby got on top of Sam and kissed his lips and then his neck and then left a trail of hickeys then he took off sams boxers and started to kitty lick the tip to tease him and Sam hated that so Sam said Colby stop teasing me so then Colby suck his dick and Sam was moaning then Sam came in Colby's mouth and Colby came on sam's chest then licked it off and Sam was moaning then Colby turned Sam around and then Colby took of his boxers off and put his dick in Sam and he thrusted fast and Sam was moaning loud then Colby thrusted faster and deeper to were Sam loved it then Sam said DADDY RIGHT THERE then Colby kept hitting it right there and Sam came out of his dick in Colby's hand and then Sam came  out of his ass then Colby Swolled the came and then He hit that spot a couple more times and then a liquid filled Sam then Colby fell by Sam then Colby said you happy sam and Sam said yes I am really happy know let's get sleep. In the morning Colby woke up in no pain and Sam was hurting a little and they kissed and they both got dressed and then they were bored so then Sam was laying in bed in his phone Colby had a plane to cuff him to the bed then make him a nice breakfast and him to then then to eat it together so then he went in the room. Colby: hey Sam
Sam: hey Colby
Colby:*grabs cuffs and smirks*
Sam: fine
Colby*cuffs him to bed*
Sam:*kisses him*
Colby:*kisses him and pulls back*
Sam:what you doing
Colby: I for got something I will be back but U will be cuffed till I am done bad boy
Sam:*gets boner when he says bad boy* really know I will just half to be like this
Colby walks out and goes down stairs and make him eggs and bacon and pancakes and Sam upstairs moving around cuz he has a boner then Colby walks in with Sam and his food and he puts the food on the desk and uncuffs Sam and Sam kisses him and say aww thanks baby and they kiss and Colby says anything for my Sam and they eat and Sam could still not get rid of his boner so then Colby takes down the plats and Sam gets in his sexy boxers and fixes the bed and then lays on top and then when Colby walks in he looks at Sam and gets a Boner then he walks over..........

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