Neverland: the Place of Dreams and Nightmares

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                                  “We often confuse what we wish for with what is.”

                                                            ― Neil Gaiman

Willow looked beneath her but for only a second and sucked in a breath at the sight. Below her lied London’s beautiful bright lights, and even though she was so high up she could still hear the soft grumbling of the city as it began to awaken from its slumber. Flying was an amazing feeling, though she would never admit it to Peter. She had never once even been on a plane before yet here she was flying against the windy skies. The wind whipped her hair about her face and Willow released Jules hand in order to tie her hair back behind her. She shot forward again, trying to catch up with Peter, who had seemed to have turned this little excursion into a race. She heard Jules grunt in response from behind her and shot forward to catch up as well. While the child in her wished she could enjoy this experience to the fullest, Willow knew that in order for her to succeed in stealing Peters youth she must first figure out how something like that could be stolen. In a few moments she would be in Peter’s territory and she needed to prepare herself for the worst. Neverland, the place of her mother’s dreams, was Willows nightmare and no happy go lucky blonde and his fairy friend could convince her otherwise.

“Well this is the quietest trip I’ve ever been on.”

Willows head snapped towards Peter, who continued to look forward. “What’s that supposed to mean?” She wasn’t here to play games- to entertain Peter like every other Darling had.

“It’s just, usually kids are a lot more excited to come to Neverland.”

Willow heard Jules snort from behind in which Peter, for once ignored. “Aren’t you excited Willow?”

Willow looked at Peter nervously, unable to escape his piercing green eyes. They were filled with so many emotions, too many for her to decipher. Even in his attempt at secrecy he was still so open, like her textbooks at school that had each important detail highlighted in bright marker. Willow looked away, not responding to his question. The silence was answer enough.


The three children flew for a little while longer until they reached a dark train of islands. Willow frowned, unsure whether or not to bring up the fact that Neverland was nothing like her mother’s descriptions. The decision, however, was made for her as Julian raise a condescending eyebrow and said, “Is this it?”

Peter laughed and shook his head, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. Willow crossed her arms not trusting him one bit.  He puffed out his chest, sucked in a deep breath and then let out a large call. At first it was deadly silent, but then Peters call was returned and Willow watched in amazement as the islands came alive right before her eyes. Julian, who had been adequately left speechless had flown a bit back.

The first thing to spring to life were the trees. Wild birds of every kind flew out from them the soft rustling of the branches were soon followed by vibrant laughter.

“He’s back!” voices said below. Little lights began to pop up all over the island and what Willow had first thought were fireflies, turned out to be the fire coming from the many torches being lit. Soon, even music was being played. The music which at first had sounded like the beating of her own heart from a foreign sense of excitement were actually drums and trumpets and flutes being played all over the island. Just like her mother had said, the island was anything but peaceful, but it was the chaos that seemed to bring a comfort to her heart, almost like Willow had finally come home.

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