Room 12

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Room 12


Victor examined my body, then he touched my head.... I can see something. Who is that girl why is she with Victor? is it possible? Victor's daughter!!!  Mary saw victor's past when he touched her, she saw everything.The girl i heard was right, victor had a daughter and he killed her.......Elizabeth was playing her doll in his father's office. "Elizabeth I am going outside". As she plays with her doll she saw a girl in front of her playing her dolls. Elizabeth thought that it was just a visitor. "Elizabeth i want you to look for daddy's experiment book and burn it". Elizabeth looked for the book the girl was asking for without any hesitation. It was big and brown, it's nearly half of her size. She fell from the ground, she tried to stand up but it was too late. Her father saw her. Afraid that his doings would be exposed he punishes her daughter by dragging her into his experimental chamber. He gave her (that thing used by doctors to make the patients fall asleep.) He stitched her mouth to prevent her from shouting. He then dissected her like a frog but before he do that he wrote 'Vocabis nomen eius Iesum'. all over her body. After all that suffering they will be burned in a fire chamber called 'fires of hell'.

Mary immediately opened her eyes to escape from that unreal reality of his life.Victor touched her again. Now she saw a hospital. It's very beautiful but the owner is Victor. She looked through every room but there were no patients. Mary used the elevator to make it to the basement faster. It was dark but she can see a man. She walked closer and recognized that eye, "It's Victor". All patients are in the basement but  "what are they doing here?". These patients came here to be heeled but it seems like they won't be heeled instead they will die.



I can see them. Every move they make. I am scared but nobody believes me.Every time i tell them about the things I'm seeing they yell at me and make my life more miserable.I'm Mary Anne, I am 13 years old, my hair is red it's curly and long, i am thin, very thin (maybe because they often give me food). My parents (actually they are not my real parents they just adopted me) enslave me. After doing the things they asked me to do, they lock me into my room. My room is small and dark without any bed to sleep in. Every night i cry longing to see my parents (my real parents). Sometimes i ask my self before going to sleep. "how do they look like?", "do they love me?", "why did they give me away?".At dinner, I told them of what I am seeing around the house (whispers on the corridors, old woman around 80 playing the piano, a boy who looks eight eating at the table all alone) .... they just sat there, I didn't hear a word. After they're done, I immediately grabbed the plates and utensils because I was so afraid that they are going to punish me (by putting a chain in my right foot and lock me in my room, they'll let me eat dog food with the dog, or my father will punch and kick me endlessly and drag me out of the house.) again for not doing my job quickly. While washing the dishes, I heard Victoria (my mother,she has blond hair, physically fit and has a big mole on her upper lip) replied, "should we?" . Although I didn't hear what Benito (my father, he is fat and bald) said. At that moment, I realized that they were talking about me, their adopted daughter.

 A vigorous knock on my door woke me up (i think it almost knock my door out because it's like a 100 years old). "oh no!". I immediately opened my door. I saw Benito holding a brown envelope with two men in white pants and shirt, and a woman in a nurse's uniform standing by his side. At that moment i think that there is something wrong. I can see it in their eyes their enigmatic smile that caused their patients demise. "You are going with them", said Benito in an angry tone. He grabbed my hand and drag me into those men in white. "Who are they? Why are they taking me? Where are they taking me?" i asked as if my life is in danger ( well basically it is) . Benito didn't answer my questions instead I saw the girl, the girl with a creepy smile( i think that, one of the doctors has to sew her mouth to stay it shut) injecting something in my arm, my arm that has been brutally punched by my father. I can feel it rushing through my veins, all things are blurry now but I heard her say " We are taking you to a hospital, it'll be fun, we'll have fun" with a creepy voice i know that something is definitely not right.

 Chapter 2


I woke up in a hospital bed with no one in my room, no one to explain what i am doing here and did i mention that I AM STRAPPED IN THIS BED!!. I wailed, shouted and howled to get the nurse's attention but it seems like nobody can hear me. It is already 11:45 PM according to the grand father clock. It is positioned on the left side corner of the room. I kept waiting for the doctors to arrive. 20 minutes have past and at last they came. I immediately interrogated them. "What am i doing here?, who are you people?,why am i here?". All of them didn't respond to all of my questions. "unstrap her". Two nurses unstrapped me, one guy took my hand to be sure that i won't be able to escape. I looked at the doctor from head to toe. I noticed that his name is Victor, he is tall and thin, has curly hair, i really looked him in the eye and i noticed that he doesn't have a left eye . It freaked me out seeing the man that's going to check me up is a freak. Victor grabbed my arm tightly and he injected the syringe down my neck.I can hear them, the sound of patients crying, wailing and begging them to let them free. "Help me Mary you are our last hope!. He killed her, her one and only daughter" ."who is he? why did he killed her".I asked her

"She is Elizabeth she is....."


"It was all just a dream" i looked around and it doesn't looked like my room. It is dark very dark with only one light hanging on the ceiling. I am sitting in a chair which i am strapped. In front of me are the two doctors and four nurses. I noticed that we are not alone. I can see and hear them begging me to help them. "I thought it was a dream?!" "

"No, No,No, please believe us, and get out from this death chamber they are going to kill you!!"

I struggle with all my strength, then the doctors said "hold her!" on that moment i saw the nurses face. I was right all along their faces have been sewn, that's why they don't speak.I closed my eyes and  yelled "help help somebody please help me" when i openned my eyes i saw the girl i saw last time at my hospital room, but she is not alone she have plenty of souls with her. I saw these faces before. Yes! they are Victor's past patients. The girl talked to me and said." Don't worry we will help you". All of a sudden their faces were covered with blood and begun to shut. Their eyes and mouth were sewn. All of them tried to shout but their mouth was sealed shut. All of a sudden, they all catched fire. Their bodies burned in the midst of the fire. I wathced them burn to ashes. I saw the ghosts faces, it's like they got free from the prison held by Victor. All of them smiled then i closed my eyes for a minute but when i opened them they where gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2012 ⏰

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