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Hey just some things to explain before reading

1.your age is about 11-12

2. Y/n - your name
    H/c - hair colour
    E/c - eye colour

3. If you would like me to continue please comment and tell me

4. No hate
Only constructive criticism

Thank you and I hope you enjoy

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Waltzing though a flower field a young girl with h/c hair Explored the meadow, her mother observing from her spot .Her eyes filled with delight at her precious daughter playing in the field .the young girl named y/n was chasing a beautiful green butterfly when she suddenly notice something or someone.

She slowly walked towards the boy, he looked no older than 14 with shaggy blonde hair he was dressed in clothes that were old and tattered and yet he had a charming look. y/n peered at his sleeping face she had the urge to poke his cheek.

As she reached her hand out, his eyes fluttered open to revile two pools of enchanting green eyes. y/n jumped back in surprise at the boy's sudden awakening. the boy slowly sat up and observed his surroundings he then notice the h/c haired girl staring at him.

Still not fully awake he reached out his hand and gentle grabbed some of y/n's hair quietly observing it. Y/n in a blushing state froze unsure of what to do. He then muttered out "what beautiful hair." y/n blushed bright red never had she heard someone complement her h/c hair. She lowered her head to her lap and fidget with her hands quietly thanked the boy.

He released her hair and soundlessly observed her from her Petit hands to her lovely e/c eyes.

Y/n finely gained enough courage to lift her head and talk only to find him starring at her. What ever words she was going to say flew out her mind, all she could do was stare at him. His hair fell flawlessly over his face,his eyes mature yet child like but what stood out was his eyebrows.

For a second y/n thought that they were caterpillars but oddly enough they just added to his charm. After the boy snapped out of his thoughts he realised the girl was starring intently at him, he's cheeks warmed a little and coughed to catch the girl's attention.

Y/n snapped back to reality and looked at him. The boy was about to introduce himself when y/n mother called for her. y/n stood up and called out that she was coming she then turned to the boy and said "I'm y/n I hope we meet again."

The boy smiled kindly and replied "I'm sure we will" she turned on her heels and ran towards her mother. She then realised she didn't get his name she was about to ask but found him gone. her face fell a little but then remembered what he had said and smiled warmly. those words forever engraved In her heart waiting for the day they meet again.
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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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