Chapter 10

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To die is as if one's eyes had been put out and one cannot see anything any more.
Perhaps it is like being shut in a cellar.
One is abandoned by all.
They have slammed the door and are gone.
One does not see anything and notices only the damp smell of putrefaction.

-Edvard Munch

Seungwan runs through the streets, jostling past pedestrians as she makes her way to Joohyun's laundromat. She hears passers-by mutter grouchy comments every time she pushes them aside, but at a time like this, one's public image is nothing to be concerned about. The only thought that races through her mind is of Joohyun. Is she safe, or has Taek already gotten to her? Even as she runs, Seungwan shivers; the image of Taek trying to do anything to Joohyun is too terrible to imagine.

As she rounds the corner of the block where Joohyun's laundromat is situated, her footsteps slow when she sees someone enter the shop. She approaches hurriedly, trying to identify the license plate of the car parked in front of the laundromat. To her relief, she recognises the car, and is filled with relief knowing that it does not belong to Taek. Instead, it belongs to someone else who would probably murder her if they met, which is why Seungwan takes extra care when she peeks through the laundromat's window.

Inside, she sees Yeri deep in conversation with Joy, their hands making wild gestures as they talk animatedly. Seungwan spots Joohyun puttering around the shop, and her eyes follow the woman until her line of sight is blocked by a pair of jean-clad legs. Her gaze shifts upward; she makes eye contact with Seulgi who is leaning on the window and shooting her a questioning look through the corner of her eye.

Seungwan shifts back as she waves awkwardly to Seulgi. She changes her stance, prepared to bolt when needed, but Seulgi just puts a finger to her lips and gives the subtlest shake of the head. "Joy, I'm going to grab some coffee! You want anything?" Seulgi asks loudly enough for Seungwan to hear.

Joy shouts out a long and complicated order that Seungwan misses completely. When Seulgi turns to Joohyun to ask the same question, Seungwan nearly laughs. "She doesn't drink coffee," she mutters under her breath, and smirks when she sees Joohyun shake her head at the question.

"Haven't seen you in a while." Seungwan turns to look at Seulgi who steps out of the laundromat and gestures at her to follow. "Let's go get some coffee."


While the duo wait for their drinks to be prepared at a nearby cafe, Seulgi eyes Seungwan with wry amusement. "So what are you doing here? I'm pretty sure Joohyun told you very clearly not to ever come and see her again."

Seungwan winces involuntarily and looks away. "I need to warn her," she confesses, spilling information about Taek and the DNA test in one long breath. Seulgi listens attentively, only interrupting to ask questions and clarify the current situation. When Seungwan finally finishes telling her story, she looks back up timidly at her companion. "It sounds weird and not that believable, I know, but..."

Seulgi shakes her head. "No, I believe you. Just need some time to process and think about what to do." She bites her lip and leans on a wall, her eyes darting back and forth as the gears in her brain churn. When their orders are called out, both of them reach for their wallets to pay.

"It's on me," Seungwan offers.

Seulgi looks at her for a while, then nods. "Yeah, okay. After all the grief you're bringing into Joohyun's life, paying for drinks balances it out a little bit."

As they walk back, cups of various drinks in hand, Seulgi glances at Seungwan. The shorter woman's eyes are filled with worry and guilt, and in all honesty, Seulgi does feel a little bad for her. She reaches out to pat Seungwan's shoulder in sympathy, but hesitates when she hears someone clear their throat in front of them. She grimaces when she sees Joy staring at them with narrowed eyes, arms crossed in front of her chest, and raises her hands to explain.

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