22. Fin

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Last chapter guys!

*deciding whether or not for a next book


Tiffany's P.O.V

I awoke but everything was dim. I could hear the beeping sounds of what I assumed was a. Monitor?

My eyes finally opened and I looked around. There was a bed on the other side with a guy laying down, sound asleep.

He was hooked up to a lot of thing. He was alive.

His hair was a brown, chestnut maybe. He was light and thin. The hospital gown didn't suit him although.

Hospital? I was in a hospital.

I looked down to see a matching gown to his. I was also hooked up to a lot of things. I touched my head and felt it was wrapped up. There was scars on my forehead.

I saw a call button a pressed it. Soon a nurse came in.

"Oh good you're awake" she smiled, I noticed she had a strong British accent

"Do you Remember anything?" She added

"No" I answered

"Do you know you're name?"

"Tiffany LaBrant"



"What month is it"

"Ermm I don't know"

"It's alright, you've actually been in a coma for awhile now. It's June"


"What exactly happened?"

"You got into a car crash dear"

"And where am I?"

"London" she smiled

"All alone?"

"No you were with that boy over there, Cameron I believe"


Who the hell was he. Why was I with him

"I can tell your confused. You must have forgotten things" she sighed

"That will be all" I dismissed her

Why the fuck was I in London?

Everything was so confusing.

Soon 7 guys walked in.

"Tiffany!" They all smiled

"Ermm, who are you?"

"Luke" one boy smiled




"Daniel but call me skip"



"I wish I knew who you all were" I frowned

"Well we've all been coming for awhile, waiting and hoping you'd wake up. And well today we were all off and so we kinda just all came. And the nurse told us you woke up as we were walking to your room" I believe jai said

"How do I know you all" I asked

"Were your closest friends!" Matt smiled

"I'm really sorry I don't remember much minus my name, age, and now what month it is"

"Do you remember him?" Beau I think, asked pointing at the boy who was still asleep

"Nope" I said popping the p

"He's still in a coma but he's your lover boy"

My eyes went wide, "he's hot and all but me? No way."

The boys heart monitor began to beat fast.

Soon doctors rushed in, pushing out the group of boys.

They did everything to make it go down.

I was scared.

Soon it was normal and the boys eyes finally opened.

They flashed lights in his eyes.

And when they were sure he was okay they all left.

The boy turned to me. Then looked around the room. Then back at me.

"Who are you?" He asked

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