Episode 1: The Beginning

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Note: This story is very dark fantasy parentheses are what is going on and everything else are lines there are some words that I will translate for a better understanding with usage of odd and different words. Hope you enjoy :)

"The world is a cruel, cruel place. There are those that live on the top and those that live on the bottom."

"Hey you! Worthless piece of trash! (4 guys attack and beat up a homeless man in tattered clothes) You going to fight back? Come on you worthless insect?" (man gets beaten senselessly as people walk by in the middle of the day) "You know someday we will just kill you for the fun of it, but for now we will just continue to torture you day and night. No one is going to come save!!!"

(Group walks away satisfied as the man is bleeding, and throwing up blood from the beating in the middle of the city streets)

In man's thoughts "I wish the world died already, or please just let me die. The pain is too intense for me.

(flashback in a children's orphanage)

Old orphanage lady (whipping boy senselessly) "You think you can take extra food for yourself you little shit!! That was food for the adults not you bratty pieces of garbage!! You should be fortunate that we take care of you the way we do and this is how you repay us!!"

(Boy crying senselessly)

(Back to the present time)

(Man limping down the street thinking to himself)

"My life is awful it is filled with pain and sadness."

(Limping to a bakery)

Baker: Here is our old bread we can't sell anymore.

(throws bread to the ground, baker laughing)

(Man picks up dirty bread and walks away)

(Man thinking to himself): why must I continue to go through this, all I do is eat scraps and get beaten everyday.

(Walks to the river and sits at the river bed and starts eating the old dirty moldy bread and cups his hands together to drink water from the river then proceeds to lay on his back with his hands behind his head.)

The world hates me I just know it. I'm just a lonely untouchable. (lays down on the grass bed along the river and falls asleep)

(In his dream state voice calls out) Don't give up young man for you will succeed and continue to strive forward. I see great things within you and see better things ahead.

(Man replies) I don't think you're right I'm going to live miserably and die alone. The world hates me. I can never feel happy it died in me a long time ago.

(Voice replies) You will continue to thrive do not weep boy for there is always a plan. You will rise like the phoenix from your own ashes and find significance and purpose in your life.

(Man replies) A purpose?

(Voice replies) Yes, boy I see great things ahead and pray for your success and happiness in life.

(White light spreads all about and man wakes up and begins to cry remembering his harsh reality and yearning to stay asleep forever and not wish to awaken ever again. He rises to his feet and proceeds to walk back into town to lay back on the ground. As he walks through town he is being jeered at, mocked and laughed at. A young man pushes him down as he walks with everyone around laughing at him being pushed to the ground.)

Why don't you stay down you filthy dog!!! (one woman exclaims. As he continues walking through town he is hearing chanting)

DOG! DOG! DOG! DOG! DOG! DOG! (continuously as he continues walking through town as even a couple of knights start to mock him saying) A man like this lives in this town. I'm surprised he hasn't been arrested for just being around everyone!! (Crowd erupts into laughter as man continues walking. The group of guys from earlier see the man.)

Hey! I think it's time for some more fun. (Crowd quiets and begins to resume their normal duties as knights angrily decide to walk away. Guys begin to by kicking the man down to the ground and proceed to start kicking and beating him. As the man tries to protect as he is being beaten in plain sight.)

(Flashback to orphanage: boy at his bedside praying as tears streamed down his face) Somebody please help. I am praying for someone to help me and save me.

(Present day as men continue to beat him one grabs a knife and starts to slash his arms, legs and tattered dirty clothes.) I think it's time you die! (the leader shouts as he pulls out his sword and lifts it about to swing and take the man's life in front of everyone.)

(Flashback to orphanage: boy lines up with other children as prospective parents come by and look at the boy only to walk past and as parents go by it is found that all the children were adopted besides him.)

Orphanage head lady: Would you like to adopt this lovely young boy?

Adults: No he is a nobody we want someone, anyone but him.

Boy looks down and stands still emotionless with parents stating he is: Weird, Creepy Looking, Scary, Disgusting, Dirty, Nobody and Trash.

As he looks out the window of the orphanage from his room as the sun was setting with nobody else coming and nobody ever did.)

To be continued....

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