chapter 10

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I waited in the apartment for an hour before Crow and Viking came back. "Hey little sister. We're back." Crow said as he entered the door.

"Very mature Carlton." Viking said as he followed Crow in. They were followed by an older man who had silver and black hair, and wire frame glasses. He stood about four inches shorter than Viking. He was staring at me intensely. "Sara, this is our grandpapa, Tucker Harvey. Grandpapa, this is our little sister, Sara Murray."

I didn't know what to do, so I stuck my hand out. I could see a tear in his eye as he came closer and hugged me tightly. I melted a little by putting my arms around him, but I just can't instantly trust and love someone.

"I have missed you so much Sara baby." He pulled back to look at me. "Those who hurt you will pay. You are now under my protection."

"I appreciate that sir. But I am under Bull's protection and I'm happy to be there." I replied not knowing how he will react.

"That's understandable. I can only hope that you and I get closer together. We are family." He sat down on the sofa and got comfortable. I didn't know whether to sit down or run.

"Hey little girl. You ok?" Paxton asked from the doorway. I turned and smiled at him. He instantly knew that I was tense. He opened his arms and I went into them. "What's wrong Sara?" He whispered.

"I don't know him. I'm scared. I'm sorry, but that's how I feel. I know that I'm weak. Forgive me?" Whispering so only he can hear me.

"It is ok. I'm here for you, always. What is scaring you?"

"That I'm bringing you more trouble than I'm worth. First with Ronald, then my mother, now Marcus, and Tucker. I'm scared that you might decide that I am too much trouble."

"Sweetheart, I would fight every person in this world for you. That's what love is. And I love you more than anything else in this world or the next. Trust me!"

"I do trust you. I love you Paxton." He kissed my nose and smiled. "So I suppose that Marcus and his goons are taken care of? Should I watch my back for more trouble from them?" I asked as I stepped back a single step.

Paxton shook his head. "No more problems from them. They don't have any problems with anyone, from now until the end of time." He said as a way to tell me that they were dead.

I nodded and took a deep breath. I could hear the boys talking to Tucker. Pax leaned down and kissed me quickly but passionately. We walked to the couch and sat. I was between Paxton and Viking.

Jackson entered the apartment with drinks for everyone. "Tucker, it is good to see you again. But we have had a busier than normal month."

"That's what I've been told. Let me start off with expressing my joy that my granddaughter is in good hands. Thank you for taking her in when she needed help. I hope that she will be happy in Canada too."

"I'm not going to Canada. I belong right here where I am."

"But you can have a wonderful life with me in Canada. It's your birthright."

"Is that the same birthright that was supposed to be mine, my entire life? The one that I was supposed to have for the two years that I was being beaten, raped, and tortured?" I raised an eyebrow. "Paxton, Viking, Crow, and the others saved me from more of that the first day that they met me. I was a total stranger to them. Only later did we find that we are related. I'm just wondering why you decided to come now. Why did you go through Marcus to get to me?"

"I was told that you couldn't be found after your father died. My men lost sight of you. Marcus called me today and told me that you had been kidnapped and he would get you back. For a price of course. I figured that a hundred grand wasn't too much to pay to get you back."

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