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                   Willow's pov
I was sitting in the car and staring out the window. I felt nervous and sad at the same time. I had two move to a new town away from my home and all my friends. Well ok I only had to friends but still I didn't want to move.  Why does this have to happen? Why do I have to move on my Senior year?  I had so many plans with my best friends. But know I can't do anything of them. It's all my mom's fault. She wanted to move and ruin my life. I wish her and dad didn't get a divorce. Then I wouldn't have to move there.

  "Willow? You've been so quiet." My mom said.
I snapped out of my deep thought and looked at her.
"I don't want to move." I said as I looked dead at her.
"Honey. It will be ok. You're life with be ok. You'll love Fox Falls. It's a small town and the people are friendly and I know you'll make lots of new friends.  I grown up there. It's a nice place and your grandparents with be so happy to see you. You'll love their farm. " My mom said.
"I love Grandpa and Grandma. It been 5 years since I seen them but I didn't think I would have to move in with them." I said.
"It's not going to be forever. Just until we can get a place of our own." My mom said.
I rolled my eyes and looked back out the window. I know she was just trying to make me feel better but it's not working.
"Willow, You'll get to meet my childhood best friend too." My mom said.
"How is that going to make me feel better?" I ask.
"Well she has twin sons your age and I'm sure you will like them." My mom said.
"Gross mom! I told you I don't want a boyfriend." I said as rolled my eyes again.
"Well you could at least be friends." My mom said.
"I guess so." I said as I put my headphones in.

     *3 hours later*

    We finally arrived at my grandparents house. I was still feeling uneasy. I grabbed my bags and got out of the car. 
"Willow!!! It's been so long since we seen you." My grandpa said.
"You have gotten so big." My grandma said.
"It's great to see you too. But I have a lot of unpacking to do." I said as I looked down. 
"Willow, Don't worry about that now. You can unpack tomorrow You should go to the park and strength your legs. You been in the car all day." My mom said.
"But I don't know where the park is." I said.
"Go through the woods and you'll be there in about 10 minutes." My grandma said.
"But becareful walking in the woods. We have a wolf problem here. Wolves have been attacking the live stock." My grandpa said.
"But what if they attack me?" I ask alittle worried.
"They won't. They are usually asleep during the day. Now run along." My grandma said as she took my bags.  
I was so confused as to why they wanted to run me off but I started walking into the woods.

   *30 minutes later*
   I finally made it to the park and sat down on the swings. The park was  so quiet. There was only a few people here. I started to relax and take in the fresh. I honestly think I'll be spending a lot of time here. 

  A few minutes later, a group of guys came out to where I was at. I look up at them.
"Can I help you?" I said.
"I haven't seen you around."  One of them said.
"I'm new." I said.
"Well I think you're ready going to like it here." He said as he moved closer to me.
"Can you back up please?" I said.
I don't like people close to me.
"Now Why would I do that?" He said with a smirk.
"Because you don't know me." I said.
"Well I'll get to know a pretty girl like you." He said as he moved even close.
"Back Away From Me!!" I snapped a pushed him back.
He looked in shock and gave me a death glare. He came back at me.
"Now you done it. I was trying to be nice." He said.
He pushed me out of the swing. I fell to the ground.  It hurt but I got back up. He pushed me up against the pole of the swing set.
"Now what are you going to do?" He ask.
Great! How am I going to get out of this?

(I hope you enjoyed the first chapter.)

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