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                   Niall pov
       *That same morning*
  I was asleep on the couch when I heard my brother , Nico yelling at someone. It's too early in the morning for this. I woke up and looked at my phone. It was 11 o'clock. Nevermind it's not that early. I decided to get up and see what was going on. I stopped at his door.
"Zuzu why are you still here?" Nico snapped.
"I thought you wanted me to stay." Zuzu said.
" I told you to leave before midnight and you're still here. My mom will be home soon." Nico growled.
I rolled my eyes and started walking off. Nico really needs to stop acting like a f*** boy. I'm going to feel sorry for his mate. I hope he stopped acting like this when he finds his mate.

I walked into the kitchen and got a bowl of cereal. I walk over to the kitchen table and sat down. I started eat my cereal. A few minutes later, Zuzu ran through our living crying and Nico wasn't far behind her.
"Zuzu!!! Wait I didn't mean it like that!" Nico said but Zuzu already slammed the door.
I looked over at Nico and took it a deep breath.
"What did you do now?" I ask.
Nico stopped and looked in shock to see me sitting there.
"Oh? You're up Niall?" Nico said as he walked over to the table.
"Yes. Now what did you do?" I ask again.
"Oh that....... Well I have a one night stand Zu-" Nico said but I cut him off.
"I know that. I mean what did you do to make her cry?" I said.
"Well........ She told me she was in love with me since 8th grade and I told her I wasn't into her like that. I was just being honest." Nico said as he looked down.
I cut my eyes over at him.
"You shouldn't lead the girls on like that. How do you think you're mate will feel about you messing other girls." I said.
"Niall, you know if I haven't my mate by now I'm probably not going to. We're 18. All werewolves find their mates at 16." Nico said.
"I haven't found my mate either. But I'm not going to sleep with random girl just because I don't know who my mate is yet." I said.
"I was just trying to get my mind off things." Nico said.
"You should at least find another way to clear your mind. Now I'm going to get dressed and go to the park. I need to clear my mind from this stressful morning." I said as I got up from my seat and walked to my room.
I quickly got dressed and went to the living room.
"Nico...? I'll be home later." I said as I walked out the door and turned my phone off.

       *30 minutes later*
I was almost at the park but I still had alot on my mind. What if Nico was right? What if I don't find my mate? What if it's too late for me? I looked down at the ground while I walked. Maybe I shouldn't just give up on finding my mate. 

  A few minutes later, I smelt a wonderful smell. It smelled like apples. I followed this sweet smell until I seen Johnson Taylors had a girl pushed up against the swing pole. The girl looked like she was in pain. I have to do something to help this girl. I looked around and found a rock. I picked it up and threw it. It hit Johnson in the head. 
"Leave her alone Taylors." I growled.
Johnson turned his head to me and smirk.
"What's little Niall Samson going to do about it? You've been a push over since 1st grade." Johnson laughed.
"I'm not a push over. I just want to stay away from fights. I'll show you what I'll do." I said.
Johnson laughed at me again and push the girl hard on the pole.
I let out a low growl and charged and Johnson. He let go of the girl and fell to the ground. I held him down. I could feel the anger rushing over me. I was tired of Johnson bullying people and getting away with it.
"Now I told you to leave her alone." I said again.
"I just want to have some fun her." Johnson said back.
"She didn't look like she was having fun. Are you going to leave her alone?" I ask again as I twisted his shirt.
"Yes I'll leave for now." Johnson said.
I let go of him and got up.
"Good. Take your friends and go somewhere else." I said.
John got up and ran off. I turned to the girl who was sitting on the ground and in shock. I walked over to her and put my hand down for her to grab.
"Are you ok?" I ask.
She looked away from me.
"I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." I said as I reach to grab her hand.
She was about to pull her hand away from me but something stopped her. I heard my wolf whispering in my head ' Mate '. I pulled her up and looked into her soft brown eyes. She was my mate. I been waiting along time to find my mate and it's this girl standing right here in front of me. She tried to pull her hand away.
"Um thank you.... But can you please let go of my hand?" The girl said.
I snapped out of my thoughts and let go.
" Of course. What's your name? I'm not trying to sound like a creep or anything. It's just I never seen you around before..... I'm Niall." I said.
She looked a little confused.
"I'm Willow. I know no one here knows me because I just moved here." Willow said.
"That's a pretty name." I said.
She rolled her eyes. I didn't mean to say that.
"No. I didn't mean it like that way. I mean I like that name. My grandma's name was Willow. She died last year." I said.
I wasn't lying to her.  That really was my grandma's name.
"Oh ok." Willow said.
I was quiet for awhile. I didn't know what to say.
"Um.... So do you want to hang out sometime?" I  ask.
"I guess so." Willow said.
I smiled at her. Maybe we'll be friends first before I tell her about her being my mate. I don't want to rush anything and make her feel uncomfortable.

         *1 hour later *
  Willow and I have been talking for awhile now. I learned: we both love video games. We have the same favorite band. And We like the same TV show.  Willow is definitely the perfect mate. She's sweet, nice, but little bit weird in a good way.

   Willow's phone started ringing. She answered it.
"Hello...... What?....... I guess...... I already made a friend....... Fine I'll be home in a few minutes..... Bye." Willow said and hung up the phone.
"What was that about?" I ask
"My mom wants me to come home. Her friend and her kids are coming over for dinner tonight." Willow said.
"Oh. Well I can walk you home if you want." I said.
" I guess. Since my mom is having a friend over. I don't see why I can't." Willow said. 
"Great." I said.
We started walking to Willow's house. I can't wait to meet her family. I hope they like me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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