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PLEASE NOTE: This chapter contains adults doing adult things. Please be an adult (18+) when you read it...


Getting the phone call that we were about to become an aunt and uncle on any other morning would've been welcomed.  Of course, that meant Patrick's phone buzzed as we were mere minutes away from what promised to be mind blowing morning sex.  After he was the message on his phone, he tossed it on the floor, buried his head in my neck and let out a loud groan.

"She's not even our kid and she's cock blocking us," he whined.

I giggled.  "Rain check?"

"Rain check," he confirmed, giving me a quick kiss.

We arrived on the maternity floor a little while later and made our way to Nat's room.  Patrick's dad, Franklin, stood in the hallway and waved as soon as he saw us.

"How is she?" I asked.  "I thought she still had another month."

"I guess she didn't want to wait any longer.  They're checking Nat now.  Mom is in there with her and she hasn't let go of Petey's hand since the really hard contractions started.  They should let us back in here in a few minutes."

As I stood along the wall, the smell of hospital antiseptic invaded my nostrils and my stomach roiled angrily.  I stood up straight and started to breathe through my mouth.  While Franklin was in the rest room, Patrick pulled me aside.

"Are you okay?"

I exhaled slowly.  "I'll be fine.  The hospital smell is just bugging me."

The door to the room opened and Mom motioned for us to come into the room.  Thankfully the smell was gone as soon as we left the hallway.  Nat's hair was tied up in a messy bun on top of her head and she already looked exhausted.  She gripped Petey's hand to her chest tightly as she breathed through her mouth.

"Are things moving along at least?" I asked.

She nodded.  "I'm dilated to eight centimeters, so it shouldn't be too much longer.  I just hope she leaves all my other organs behind because it feels like she's trying to take a few of them with her on the way out.  Shit!  Here comes another one!"

Mom quickly ran over to the bed and grasped her left hand.  She let out a small yelp of pain and then breathed through her mouth.  After the contraction passed, she released Mom's hand.  I patted her hand and told her I'd take the next one.  Dad and Patrick sat along the back wall of the room, both wearing wary looks on their faces.  A few minutes later another contraction hit.  I took a deep breath as Nat's hand threatened to crush my fingers.  She released my hand once the contraction was over.

"Sorry," she breathed.

"You have a person trying to climb out of you, sweetie.  Nothing to apologize for."

After a little bit of time it seemed like the contractions were happening more often.  A nurse came to check on her and the next thing we knew the room came alive with more nurses and doctors. 

"It's time," the first nurse announced.  "If you don't want to be here, head on out now."

Dad patted her shoulder.  "Pumpkin, I'm going to wait outside and out of the way.  I love you."

"Are you going to be okay to stay?" Patrick asked as he moved closer to the door.

"Yep," I answered with a small yelp because Nat suddenly started squeezing the life out of my hand.

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