A New Morning

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Sunlight streamed through the window of the tiny cottage. It wasn't much, just a shoddy structure with hardly enough room to place a crafting table, but to Brendaniel, it was home. As long as it kept the mobs out, he couldn't care less about the design. After all, who cares about style and taste when there are diamonds to mine?
Brendaniel squinted as the morning light washed over his face. Did he leave the curtains open? "Surely not," he thought groggily. He couldn't remember much from the previous night. All he knew was that his cocky nature had almost cost him 5 hours of hard work. It all rushed back in quick flashes or recollection: a diamond, a lava pool, a rickety mineshaft, and... a creeper. He almost perished. Thankfully, his quick thinking helped him escape unscathed. He did not, however, recall anything past that point. He could not remember anything about his journey home, he could not remember what he ate for dinner, he could not even remember if he locked the door properly or closed the curtains. This would have been more concerning to Brendaniel if he had not been so exhausted. Every muscle in his body ached from yesterday's work. Thank Notch it was all worth it. His prize sat gleaming on his bedside table as a reminder; three stunning diamonds danced in the warm light next to him. "Finally!" He thought. "I can finally craft that pickaxe I've always wanted!"
Suddenly, the light in his room faded. The diamonds no longer glistened peacefully. They remained still and dark. Everything became quiet around him as a prickle of fear washed over him. Brendaniel stiffened. Where were the morning melodies of the birds and crickets? The only time the world ever became silent was when a predator was about.. but it was daytime- far too late for anything dangerous to spawn. What on Earth could be blocking the sun?
Brendaniel slowly sat up as not to startle the potential predator and shifted his gaze to the window. His heart leaped into his throat when he saw a face peering back at him. It was the face of his nemesis from the night before- the face of a vengeful creeper.
"You!" Brendaniel exclaimed as his fear turned to rage. "Why can't you just leave me alone Notch damn it!" The creeper hissed back with malice in its voice. It's tone dripped with venom and loathing, "you cocky bastard. You thought you could escape? You can run from me but you can NEVER hide. You reap gems from the earth as if you owned them. You destroy caves with your tools and lives with your sword. And now you ask me why? You're pathetic."
Brendaniel gawked at the audacity of the mob in front of him. Did this creeper really think he could harass and stalk him like this? The lowlife scum... those gems were his. He worked tirelessly for them. It's not his fault creepers didn't have arms to harvest the fruits of the earth..
"That's it," Yelled Brendaniel. I'm going to make you wish you were never born." Brendaniel stormed outside the cottage with the fury of 1000 men. In one swift motion, he cut the fuze of the creeper rendering it defenseless. The night before, he tried to spare the poor fool. But now, it was time for some fun..

Brendaniel x creeper Where stories live. Discover now