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Him. He's like a spark. He's like a match that'll light a flame in the midst of a girls heart. His smile. It would cure the most poisonous illnesses yet hides the darkest secrets. Do I love him, they ask. Now, that's one secret his smile will never tell.

Where to start, where to begin when such a thing is indescribable. Picture this, you're drowning your lungs are filling up with water inch by inch, you're being suffocated, sucked into darkness, struggling to breath. Suddenly, you're lifted out of this distress, oxygen is now your new best friend. The air fills your whole body from the tip of your finger tips to the bottom of your toes, you're lying there breathing heavy, eyes stinging from such an event but you're grateful because you are here, you are alive. This, this is what he did to me. He was the oxygen and I was the water. He made my chest quake and my lungs shrink but made me feel refreshed all in one motion. Do I love him, they ask again.

Yelling at him wouldn't help. Shouting from the rooftop that this so called "love" exists wouldn't make him believe, would it? Screaming it so loud that it makes your throat burn like you just downed six shots, this is all in your head. You wouldn't do that, you'd just look at him, a person a boy. His eyes like the coffee you'd pour every morning though you'd regret pouring so much milk because now it doesn't resemble how dark brown eyes. His eyes that would make you lose track of what you're saying, and it that moment the whole universe stops for that second, you get a taste of heaven and when reality hits back, it's not pretty. On a scale of 1-10, how bad did it hurt to lose someone you love? 9 maybe. How bad did it hurt to get those jags? 7 maybe. How bad did it hurt for you to lose your best friend? 8 maybe. Never a 10. Do I love him, they ask one more time. Please tell me, if this isn't love then what is?

You kid yourself on. He was looking at her and you, you were hopelessly devoted to him. Those dark brown eyes they were on her. It was never going to be you, you smile though, that peaceful smile, as a tear rolls down your cheek. He doesn't realise, of course he doesn't, he's in love with a girl that is going to break his heart the same way he just broke yours. You walk away, you be the bigger person and let him love, you can't change it, you can't make yourself better- you're the best you you'll ever be. Doesn't mean it won't hurt though, it'll sting and you'll be drowning again. You'll be under the water, so far down that your toes now touch the sand. But this time, you don't struggle, you don't fight the water that fills your lungs because this time you love someone, who loves someone else and that, that is your 10.

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