Chapter Four - Done Hiding

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Authors Note: Hi Quick note. Thanks so much if you've been reading this so far. I loved writing this chapter so so so much. And I have an amazing plotline set out for YOU :) I've been trying to avoid authors notes so far. So there will be very few in this story however I wanted to personalize this chapter and socialize with you, my wonderful readers.

Just to clarify the love interests are Sam, Dean and Castiel. I was thinking about Gabriel as well but I couldn't come up with a decent way to fit him in. Besides I have an amazing plan for you Castiel fans. However if you would like to see our lovely arch-angel Gabe as an interest leave a comment and I'll see if I can come up with another way to fit him in (my CasteilxReader storyline is staying regardless because I love it so much)

Anyways there wont be many multiple results for this story until the end but there will be little snippits involving just you and your b.o.c which you will either read or skip past depending if it involves your b.o.c. They will be parts that are not essential to the storyline, they will happen later in the story as well when you begin to make your decision on who you want to be with. So yeah... Onto the story.

Please leave a comment, vote or fan, like I said this is my favourite chapter so far.

#4 Done hiding

A week had passed and you were beginning to go stir crazy between those iron walls. You had everything that you needed in that room. The walls were rounded in a cylindrical shape with what essentially was a large pentagram scribbled on the ground. Dean had called this a ‘Devils Trap’. There were another two in the room, one located in the vent above and the other by the singular door at the entrance. An older man, Bobby you recalled, had built this room when he had a ‘free weekend’. He had soaked the solid iron door and walls in salt and the angel repelling sigil’s were a later addition. This room was ghost, demon and angel proof. Though you wondered why you may need protection from angels. That part didn’t make sense. Angels were good right? In the room itself was a bookcase, a desk and chair and a single bed. The scab on your shoulder blade itched where the tattoo had been painted into your skin. You had enough sense to know that this was a good thing. This meant healing. The pain that came with the tattoo during had been bearable. You had felt a dull scratching before your skin became numb, leaving only a light burning sensation. As you had assumed, it had been nothing compared to the demon inflicted beatings that you had taken just before.

Sam and Dean stopped by once in a while, though hunting for them was a mandatory thing. Instead you spent most of your time with Bobby. He liked his liquor, but the old drunk wasn’t so bad. A lot of the time was passed with bourbon in hand, playing Texas hold ‘em. Though there were times that you were alone, and these were the worst. These were the times that you allowed your mind to torture you slowly. It nagged at the very corners, crying for revenge for your sisters death and the more you thought about it the more you yearned for it. It was a heavy feeling. A feeling that clutched tightly at your chest and refused to let go. You knew what you needed to do and you seized the opportunity the very next time that it walked through the door, literally.

It was a little after noon when the Winchesters returned. You kept close watch on the time, that feeling weighing down on you now more than ever.

“Any word from Cas?” you questioned as Sam stepped through the door.

He shook his head, “Nothing.”

“Not even a freakin’ whisper” Dean added as he followed behind Sam. He was holding a sandwich in his hand which you guessed was your gourmet meal for the day. As your eyes traced over his form you noticed a gash above his eyebrow. You studied it for a moment before climbing out of the seat that you had been perched in and scurrying for the first aid equipment which sat above the bookcase.

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