author's note :)

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Hi there :D

Okay, wow. Lowkey this took a really long time to write, but I wouldn't trade a single second. I consider this book one of my better works and I'm really happy with how it turned out. So, I hope you guys enjoyed reading Simon and Val's story as much I enjoyed writing it--and thank you so much for sticking around till the end!

For real, though. I don't think I could have done this without everyone's support. I say it every single time, but you guys are the absolute best! I hope you'll stay tuned to see what other stories I have in store for you!

Speaking of...

Here's what's coming up!

1) I will continue to work on The Follow as well as the That's a Good Question spinoff, Things We Can't Say. I just took a brief hiatus from those manuscripts to tie together all the loose ends for this story. Have no idea what I'm talking about? No worries! Check out my novels The Shift (dystopian, science fiction, and werewolf genres all-in-one) and That's a Good Question (an urban fantasy and humorous novel featuring a sulky half-demon boy) if you want to know more.

2) After (or perhaps, knowing me, during) these novels I'll set to work on rewriting/revising my novel Pulse (paranormal thriller, with angsty-but-hot angel of death and his adorably cute "must protecc at all costs" ghost brother) which is one of my most popular projects. It has a good basis but I think if I want to break into the publishing world soon, it needs to be a little bit stronger. So be looking out for that!

final note...

Basically, guys, I'm not going anywhere. I still have a lot of stories left to tell and honestly I can't wait. Thanks again for your support--wherever, whoever you are. I really mean it!

Until next time!


-J. Nicole

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