chapter five

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"Harry Potter," was the name that was called. She watched the boy go up, and the Hat soon called Gryffindor. That only made her think, if her... brother was Gryffindor, and her parents were Gryffindor, but she was raised by a slytherin... she was going to end up in that house. "Lillian Potter," the hat spoke, and slowly she made her way up to the center. She felt all eyes on her, as she sat on the stool. The hat was slowly placed on her head, and it asked her questions, and she responded as if she was doing the right thing. "Gryffindor!" Her face went white as she stood up. The Gryffindor's clapped and cheered.

"I-I have to be in slytherin..." she spoke to mcgonagall, her hands shaking. "I have to..."

"But, Lillian... you are you, not your father. Go sit down," she spoke to the young girl. Lillian nodded and went to sit between fred and George, laying her head on the table. As soon as the sorting was done and the song was sung, the food had been set out on the table. Lillian still hadn't looked up, and it seemed to have shown in the way that she had been sitting that she had been crying. Her brother and his two friends had set in front of her, and the twins were on either side of her. They all seemed to have worried expressions.

"Lily..." Fred muttered, placing his hand on her shoulder. "We can go in the hall if you need too. You know you can trust me..."he whispers. She shook her head, and stood.

"I need to go talk to father..." she muttered, walking away. The twins could tell she was hurting, and scared.  As she walked between the Slytherin and Gryffindor tables, the slytherin's made comments about her. She wanted to go home. The teachers looked at her while watching her walk up. Snape had already seen this coming, and met her in front of the teachers dining area. He looked out as she made her way to him.

"Lillian..." he spoke, walking with her out of the great hall. She said nothing as they walked out. Once the two were out, he turned to her. "I am not disappointed in you. I am just not thrilled that my daughter is in an enemy House..." he spoke, whipping the tears that had fallen earlier. He was an amazing father... just hard for him to be parental. He sighed. "Lillian... I care for you... but you must know I will be harder on you because you are my daughter. Now, you will go eat, or I will not bring you butterbeer back when the professors go out."

"Yes papa," she spoke, with a nod and headed back into the great hall.

After Dinner, the new students were taken to their dorms. Lillian got stuck with no one she knew, and kept her head down. She moved to her bed, and pulled her pillow close to her. She looked at the other girls who had claimed their beds. One of the girls came to sit by her, and held her hand out. As known, Lilian usually kept her wrists covered because of the scar Voldemort had left when he killed her real parents. The kids that lived; doesn't sound as good as the boy that lived. She slowly shook her hand, and smiled.

"I am Lillian... Lillian Snape. I go by the name of the man that raised me and not my real parents last name," Lillian spoke, with a small kind smile.

"Hermione, Hermione Granger. Nice to meet you. You sat between Fred and Goerge, right? You know, the two are very strange twins. You seem like a very sweet and interesting person. But you are also related Harry Potter. How do people not know about you, like they do your brother?" She spoke and asked.

"I am not sure... um... how to respond..." she muttered. She felt her stomach turn. She pulled her hand back, and looked at the blanket on her bed. "I mean... my father has kept me away from all that. I guess I am used to being alone as well." 

"Right. I noticed that you have been close the Twins..."

"What? No, my father would kill me." Her face went bright red, and she pulled her pillow to her face. "I... just am trying to keep friends..."

"Right. Have fun miss Potter." Hermione slowly went to bed. For a while, Lillian let her self drift in and out of consciousness. She felt her stomach at the thought of going to class in the morning. She mainly had classes opposite of harry. She slowly turned to blow her lap off.

"This is going to be an interesting... year..." she muttered, rubbing her eyes. As the lights slowly went out, Lilly pulled her blanket closer to herself and let a small huff out. She couldn't get to sleep until four hours later. 

The world spiraled around her, as she landed in an old broken house. There was a man in a turban, standing in front of her. Her heart was racing as the turban came off, and there was a face hiding there, and she jumped. 

"How are you still alive? He was supposed to kill you, you stupid little girl. You and your brother both deserve death. I need to come back." The man came closer, and started to grab the young girl.  

Her heart was ponding as she sat up in bed. Her head was full of sweat and she was crying. She soon got up, and went to the dungeons.

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