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Ten woke up in an unfamiliar place. He couldn't remember how he got there. He slowly sat up in the bed and looked around the room. 

The yellow curtains and beige walls gave the room a comfortable aura. He felt safe here. 

On the nightstand, there was a picture of Taeil and Johnny posing in front of a building of sorts.

"Ah, I must be in one of their guest rooms. But, why?" Ten swung his legs off the bed and stood up. He made his way into the kitchen where Taeil was making breakfast.

"Hey, hyung," Ten sat down on one of the bar stools. Taeil jumped at the sudden noise.

"Oh, Ten," Taeil's expression was full of concern. "How are you feeling?"

"I have a headache, but I'm mostly okay. Have you seen Kun? He wasn't with me when I woke up."

Taeil tensed and gently set the spatula he was holding down. He turned around to face Ten. His eyes had a burning fury barely hidden by his concern for his friend. "What do you remember about last night?"

Ten rested his chin on his hand. "I remember coming here, dancing with Kun, and getting more drinks, but that's it. Why? Did I miss something?" Ten straightened his back. 

Taeil sighed and poured Ten a glass of water. "Drink that. You have a headache because you're dehydrated." Taeil turned his attention back to the pancakes he was making. Some of  them had burned. 

"Taeil," Ten leaned over the counter to get closer to Taeil's back. "What aren't you telling me?"

"You need to drink some water."

"Tell me."

"Drink the water, Ten," Johnny piped up. The pair were too involved in their own conversation that they didn't notice him approach them. He opened a cabinet and pulled out a bottle of aspirin. He set the bottle on the counter in front of Ten. "Take two of these also." Johnny started to pull out a variety of condiments for the pancakes. 

Realizing that he was fighting a loosing battle, Ten took the medication and drank the water. He slammed the cup down. "Now will someone please tell me what is going on? Why is Taeil making pancakes? Why aren't you two bantering like usual? Did you guys fight? Where is Kun? Why-" 

"Kun cheated on you." Ten's mouth hung open mid-sentence. Johnny looked like he was going to kill someone. Taeil looked like he was going to cry. 

"I see," Ten looked into the cup. Memories of last night came flooding in. And his tears came flooding out. "I, I thought it was a nightmare," Ten's voice wavered. "I thought that, that we would be together forever." Ten started laughing maniacally. "I was certain that we were going to get married one day!" Ten threw the cup at the wall. The glass shattered, just like Ten's life. 

His laughs died down and Ten just cried. Taeil abandoned the pancakes. Johnny left the condiments. They held Ten while he cried his heart out, again. 


Kun woke up feeling warm and satisfied. He rolled over to face the warmth hugging him. Guilt hit him like a brick wall. A random girl was laying in Ten's place. 

Kun unraveled himself from the naked women's arms. He found his clothes and slipped them back on. He picked up the girl's clothes, folded them, and put them on the end of the bed. He left the room to go to the bathroom. 

In the bathroom, he took off his shirt and gasped at the amount of hickeys covering his neck and chest. 

"I can't believe this," Kun pulled his shirt back on, trying to hide the evidence of what he did. But it did nothing to hide his guilt. He left the bathroom and headed back to the bedroom. 

Kun really looked at the sleeping figure's face, trying to find out who she was. 

"Joy?" The sleeping women stirred at the name. "Oh my god. I'm fucking screwed," Kun ran his hands through his hair and started pacing the room. 

"Stop pacing. It's giving me a headache," Joy sat up in the bed, rubbing her temples. 

"We, you, I-"

"We got drunk and had sex, Kun. It's really not that complicated." Joy grabbed her clothes from the end of the bed and started to get dressed. 

"But, but I-"

"You would never cheat on, Ten. Yeah, I know. But you did. There's nothing you can do to change that," Joy pulled her shirt on. "I'll be leaving now," she walked over to the door, then turned around to face Kun. "I wouldn't bother making excuses to Ten. I think he already knows." Joy left the room. 

Kun couldn't believe it. He cheated on Ten. He cheated. Ten knew. He hurt Ten. 

Kun stood in the middle of Ten and his bedroom crying.


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