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(This very short story takes place in 2021, during the last BGT show)

It was a very, very special night...everyone was in a highly emotional state, including Simon. He knew it was inevitable but wasn't prepared to face the end of the show. Besides, it took him months to take the decision. While the ratings were still high, he always wanted BGT to end with panache, not in a pathetic way. He'd have adored it to last forever, though. 

When AGT ended as well 8 months ago, he wasn't as sad or helpless as tonight. He definitely spent quality times with the American panel as well. There were lots and lots of laughs but it couldn't compare to the exhilarating, wonderful and hilarious moments he had with his BGT's family. 

Yes, it was indeed a family : frustrating sometimes but always welcoming, comforting, warming. All these years, he felt so good surrounded by Amanda, Alesha...and of course, David. He knew, deep inside the comedian would be the one he'd miss the most. He also perfectly well knew why and it hurt him hard. 

As the crowd burst into applause, whistling, shouting their names, Ant and Dec were in tears, holding each other's waist. Stephen, for his part, was smiling but anyone could easily detect, from the slight tremble of his lips, he was about to cry as well. Amanda and Alesha were already in each other's arms, sobbing. And as for David...God...last time he was seen in such distress was in front of the Flakefleet primary school. 

The comedian rapidly joined the two women's embrace, his head leaning on Alesha's back, his arms surrounding both of them. Many people from the audience were crying as well, overwhelmed by the deeply moving ambiance. At that point, Simon himself just let go, tears rolling down his cheeks and he opened his arms wide to join the three of them. He caught David's hands as well, gripping them tight. 

After a marvelous, loving and timeless hug, they all separated. Alesha and Amanda stayed close for a moment, holding hands, wiping away their tears as much as they could then waving to the public. 

David and Simon were now intently gazing at each other, their lips slightly opened,  as if they were in sudden need of some air. Eventually, they both slowly narrowed the space between them. It was like watching a highly emotional movie, in slow motion. As they were only a few inches from each other, anybody could see and sense the physical and emotional mind-blowing tension there. But none was prepared for what was about to come...

Simon took a deep breath, keeping the eye contact with David. He put his left hand on his shoulder and with an exquisite gesture, with his right palm, he caressed David's cheek then slid down to his nape. And before David could even wonder what was happening, Simon got to his lips and kissed them. A huge shiver ran through the theatre and people around them, including Amanda, Alesha and the rest of the staff, started clapping and screaming excitingly. 

It was a delicate kiss, though, but it was amazing to see how David and Simon were behaving : they seemed to be alone in the vastness of the room, alone in the world. They were both so deeply connected to the moment and devoted to each other ! Anybody with the slightest bit of sensitivity could also feel the relief they were expressing through their body language and faces. 

David now wanted more and knew Simon was there with him too. So, with his well-known charming spontaneity, he brought Simon in a much deeper kiss, reaching vigorously for his tongue. To everyone's astonishment, Simon participated fully, giving in to it and to David with a commitment nobody would ever have guessed from him, especially in front of everyone. 

The crowd became hysterical. Everybody - from their fellow co-judges to the all staff and the winner contestants - was also thrilled and enthusiastic.

When they released the kiss, Simon was still holding David's shoulders while David's hands were firmly gripping his waist. Absorbed in each other's eyes, they were both smiling between tears. It was a pure and magical moment. So magical Simon seemed to overlook - or did he ? - he had a microphone. Even if he was then whispering in David's ear, everybody heard him say "I love you" ...

That evening, people all around them, strangers as well as coworkers or friends, knew they just witnessed something beyond special. And none of them, including David and Simon, would ever, ever forget it. 


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