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I had major writer's block on this chapter but I tried to make it good for you so y'all better like it......

.....or not 😝

Anywho, please enjoy my sweet creatures.


"So I'll be back as soon as I'm done with my meeting. Are you gonna be okay on your own?" Harry asked Louis and Niall as soon as he was done giving them a tour of his house.

They had landed at LAX airport around 6am and the two lads along with Harry were super sleepy.

So he had quickly called his driver and they had been taken to his house.

He had tagged along because he too had some things to attend to in LA and he thought it was a good time to move.
Also because he didn't want Niall to be alone if something went down between Louis and Shawn.

As soon as they got home, he showed Louis to the room he'd be staying in and Niall to his own bedroom. Then they all showered and after that, his house keeper had breakfast ready for them.

When they had eaten, he decided to give them a tour of his house and then told them that he'd be heading out to his meetings.

"We'll be fine Harry, we are pretty much beat and we'll just sleep first." Louis answered with a gentle smile.

"Speaking of sleeping, aren't you gonna rest a bit before you go out?We just landed, Haz." Niall asked in a concerned voice.

"Yeah make sure you rest a lot okay. And no Ni, I'm gonna be fine. I spent most of my time on the plane sleeping so I'm good." He answered both of them.

"Okay, what time will you be back?" Niall asked in a small voice and Louis chuckled.

"What?" Niall was puzzled by Louis.

"Nothing you just sound like a clingy wife." Louis shrugged making Niall huff and Harry chuckle.

"Whatever." He glared at Louis.

"I'm not sure what time I'll be back but I'll call you to let you know." Harry assured and Niall nodded.

Niall got on his tippy toes and placed a goodbye kiss to Harry's lips.

Harry then said bye to Louis and headed to the door but before he could open it, he turned to the boys.

"Can you just rest in today and I'll personally take you wherever you have to go tomorrow?" He looked at them.

Niall and Louis looked at each other and back at Harry before Louis spoke up, answering the question for both of them.

"Harry as much as we would like to tell you yes, we can't I have to see Shawn asap." He said and Harry sighed.

He half expected them to say that but he also hoped they'd take up his offer and wait for him before contacting Shawn.

He saw Niall looking through the taxi company leaflet that he had and realised that they had already started making plans on how they would move from Harry's to Shawn's.

"You don't have to call the taxi." He started and looked at Niall who only raised an eyebrow.

"I'll contact one of the drivers and have him drive you to Shawn and anywhere else you wanna go to." He said and both of them broke into huge grins.

A second later, Niall yawned and Harry knew that it was time to go so that they could sleep.

"Alright see you later." He waved to them and they waved back then he went out and found his driver ready with his car.

Accidentally On Purpose [Narry] ✔Where stories live. Discover now