Previously known as "Melting The Ice King".
Meet Annie Evans, a sweet, innocent and beautiful girl.
Meet Nicholas Coleman, a rich, handsome and ruthless business man.
She had everything what people wished...
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"Isn't it sad when you get hurt so much, you can finally say "I'm used to it"."
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George's POV. ◀️•▶️
When I heard gunshots outside, I looked around to see if everyone was okay or not. But I couldn't find Isabella who was missing from the main hall.
I looked around to find her. I also went to other rooms to look for her. But I didn't expect that I would find her with a bullet injury. I ran to her and saw her unconscious on the floor. I took her and brought her to the nearest room and laid her on the bed. I ran towards the main hall and shouted for Max.
"Max! Isabella is injured".
Max followed me along with the others. Max saw her and asked Nick to bring his bag from his car. As Nick left, Max said," I have to rip the shoulder of the dress". But Emily interrupted, "I can change her dress". " Then do hurry up, we are waiting outside ", Max ordered. I don't want to leave but I had to. Within a few minutes, I heard a scream from inside," Oh my God". I pushed the door and entered. Emily had covered Isabella with a blanket. Max asked, "What happen?". Annie tried to tell but nothing came out of her mouth. Aria, Annie's cousin opened her mouth, "Her back... Her back is full of burn injuries ".
Nick brought Max's bag. Max didn't want to waste any more time. He told Emily to stay with him along with Sofia and Katherine, since they were medical students. Annie and Elizabeth didn't want to leave but Nicholas forced Annie to leave.
The party became a disaster. No one wanted to eat. But I saw Kimberley look careless about the matter of Isabella. I had seen her try to flirt with my brother. Thankfully, my brother didn't look at her. Aria was far better than her for my brother.
After one hour, Max came out with a smile and said, "She is okay. The bullet doesn't go deep. I hope she will be up within 2 hours". Everyone sighed in relief, but I asked," What about her back?". Max's smile disappeared and became serious, "The burned wound is fresh. Maybe it is today's. I think burning oil had been thrown on her back. We can know the truth after she wakes up. Now let me go. I have to shower now". Emily, Katharine, and Sofia came out of the room. Their dresses had been destroyed. Liam and Nathan took them to other rooms. Annie hugged Aria and started crying for her.