A New Night

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You were still upset over the loss you suffered from Pyrrha. It was meant to be a simple training exercise, a fun sparring match but you ruined it by making it about the rivalry again. That in it of itself was your fault and there was no denying it. And now here you were, getting ready for a date with a person you were so mad at yet kinda happy to have around. You just wished she could cut back a bit on the effort though.

You didn't even know where this date would be heading. She just said be ready by six. It was five fifty right now so, you had finished your shower and gotten your hair brushed and teeth brushed as well. You went to your scroll and checked up on some small events, mainly, a conversation over text with your father. You were happy to know he was still alright no matter what.

That's when you heard the knock. You sighed and walked over to the door and opened it up to see Pyrrha on the other side. However, to your surprise, she wasn't wearing anything fancy at all. She had an "Extremo" T-shirt on with sweatpants with a baseball hat on top.

Pyrrha: Hey, (Y/N). Ready?

(Y/N): Uh yeah. Just thought it would be somewhere more...formal.

Pyrrha: Not everything has to be high class. Get whatever you want on and met me at the docks.

You nodded and did so. You just wore a basic t-shirt along with some jeans and headed and met with Pyrrha. The flight down to Vale was fine and the walk to wherever it was Pyrrha was taking you was also nice. It was all in relative silence but it was still nice. Finally, you two had arrived at your destination, a skate park, currently opened and unoccupied.

(Y/N): Why are we here of all places? I thought someone of your class would like to go to-

Pyrrha: Shut. Up.

You did so, still taken aback by how forceful she sounded.

Pyrrha: All my life I was placed on a pedestal. Everyone treated me different because of that. My parents always pushed for the best and I wanted to BE the best no matter the cost. But the more I fought, the better I got, I realized there was no going back. The pressure is just to much and even during a simple training match I can still feel it. I won't ever forget the constant praise and I am both thankful for and I hate it so much. I'm so happy so many are willing to support me. Then again, I hate it because it takes me away from the people I love. People like you.

(Y/N): L-Like me?

Pyrrha: You never once put me on that pedestal. You treated me like an everyday person. I don't know when it was but then you rose me to that pedestal. I hated it. I know you hated it or hate me. I've technically taken everything from you while you just tried to support your family. You can't forgive me and in all honesty, you shouldn't. I ruined your life. Made it into constant series of mistakes. And when we came to Beacon, I thought our differences could stop. But they didn't. If any chance you wanted this rivalry to continue even more than before.

(Y/N): Pyrrha. Look I...I know I messed up. I really did.

Pyrrha: And I have only myself to blame. I pushed you away just for trying. (Tears begin to form in her eyes) I...I just don't know what else to do at this point. I don't want to push anyone else out.

(Y/N): I guess we're both failures huh?

Pyrrha raised her head and looked at you. You were leaning on a railing, looking out to the stars.

(Y/N): You wanted to get people into an impossible position to be your friends when everyone knows who you are and what you can do. Meanwhile, here I am not seeing one of the greatest people in the world as my best friend and instead trying to beat her.

Pyrrha didn't respond but began to lean on the same railing as you did.

Pyrrha: I guess we really are failures.

(Y/N): Yeah...I'm better at being the failure though.

Pyrrha: (Giggles) Yeah.

(Y/N): Finally. It...it wasn't worth it though. It really wasn't worth it.

Pyrrha: (Y/N)...I need to say this. You truly are my best friend and nothing should take that away from you. You are better than me in so many ways you just don't see that yet. To me, you deserve that pedestal. I'm just here to screw everything up and ruin lives and dreams.

You quite honestly had no words to say to her anymore. Despite all of that, you had no idea of what else to do. You sighed and looked over to her.

(Y/N): I'm sorry. I've been a serious jerk and here you are just trying to live your life. Trying to find and make friends. Meanwhile here I am trying to take that all from you without a second thought.

Pyrrha: You're sorry?! I'm the one that was taking everything from you! I've essentially ruined your life. I'm the one who sound be sorry.

The two of you looked back out to the stars. You had nothing else to say nor did she. You looked back to her and sighed. Various thoughts flooded through your mind about the current situation as well as your personal thoughts on Pyrrha as a person and not what she represented to you. You sighed one last time and turned to face her. Having gone over the scenario multiple times in your head, you walked over to Pyrrha and hugged her. To say she was shocked was not wrong. However, that didn't stop you from doing it.

All the speculation and thinking had lead you to this one conclusion. You hated what she represented, you hated her try-hard attitude, you hated that she always would beat you no matter what. You hated that. But dammit did you love Pyrrha the person...so much. No matter what she did to beat you, you loved her so much. Pyrrha slowly turned her head and looked up to you.

(Y/N): I hate what you represent. I hate everything that you have ever done to beat me and put me into the ground. But damn do I love you. So much. I guess I have mixed feelings on this, but I know that on the battlefield and off of it, you are very different. And I love you for it.

Pyrrha: (Y/N) I...I love you too. I just...I just-

(Y/N): Pyrrha. It's ok.

Pyrrha leaned up and you leaned down and kissed one another. There was passion, hate, love, despair all rolled up into a single notion. Despite all of this, this was perfection to you. You both pulled apart from one another once the need for air became to great and smiled at one another. You leaned your foreheads against one another and then went back to staring at the stars. Pyrrha began to hum her song, swaying slightly to the rhythm of the hums.

(Y/N): Hey. I think I got a good name for the song.

Pyrrha: What did you have in mind.

(Y/N): How about "Champion's Ballad"?

Pyrrha: Champion's Ballad? I like it.

You both smiled at one another and returned your gaze to the stars. Yeah, this was a good choice. 

Pyrrha Nikos X Male Reader: Champion's BalladWhere stories live. Discover now