The Bus Station

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"...bus going towards pak- secretariat station is arriving on platform in...."

Behind me, the announcements are being made nonstop, but the buzz of the crowd overcomes them.

I look as the old man standing in front of me to head to toe as he waits for my response. His almost white hair glow in the sunlight and his kind expressions fool people that he's an innocent old man. I know that he's not.

"Mr. Shah," I display my most heart winning smile and tilt my head a bit. "What you suggest is-"

"Peculiar?" He cuts me. "Insane? I know."

His expressions are of a mad man. A bus stops on the opposite terminal and there is an other wave of noise form the surrounding.

"No." I politely tell him. "It's impossible."

The old man rolls his eyes at me and then-

Then he spots something behind me and freezes.

"Um.." I look at his lost expressions "...Mr. Shah?"

But he doesn't move. I look back to see what caught his eye, but find no one in particular. I snap fingers in front of my old client's eyes but he doesn't even flinch.

"Mr. Shah?!" I call louder, but get no response out of him. Then I spot a teenager behind him staring at something behind me too. And an other middle aged man, and an other.

"What the-"

I turn around and thats when I see her.

The girl, who must've come with the recently arrived bus, looks like she's seen a puppy die. Her black eyes look lost in thought and her red head vail is a little out of place, showing her shiny black hair which she must be wearing loose. Her black Kameez and Shalwar are in stark contrast with her pale beauty and to top it off, she's wearing a light red shade of lipstick. Clutching the office-file to her chest, she glides her way to wards the escalators. All eyes remain on her until she disappears.

When she's finally gone, Mr. Shaw comes back to his senses.

"You were saying?" I ask, quite sarcastically. His colour deepens and he fumbles for his words. Then finally he continues.

"I was saying-"

He was saying... I think to my self. What was he saying? Is my hair alright? Is my lipstick smudged? WHO IS THAT GUY???

The world tunes out and my eyesight narrows to his tall handsome figure. His dark brown hair falls messily over his forehead, his pretty- is that hazel? Yeah- hazel eyes are searching the crowd urgently. His pale blue button up's sleeves are rolled to his elbows and his blue jeans look amazing with those brown boots under them.

The guy looks a little younger than myself, maybe a university student? He jumps into the platform, hurriedly gets his card scanned and starts looking around. Maybe for something, maybe for someone.

As he passes me, his eyes meet mine. They seem to ask 'are you her?'.

"Have you seen a girl in black?" He asks someone beside me. In my peripheral vision, I see a head shake no. The worried lost eyes meet mine again. I wanna tell him that I have seen the girl. But before I say anything, they avert the very next instant, like saying 'never mind'.

I press the urge to say okay and watch him scan every face in the crowd until he disappears.

"Miss Sarah!!" Some one calls my name behind me and I snap back to reality. Mr. Shah is looking at me like I just grew antlers.

My cheeks become warm.

Wow. That just happened!

I clear my throat.

"You were saying?" I repeat my self, this time softly and I feel the silent agreement between the old man and I, that he won't mention the guy, and I won't mention the girl.


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