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"Are you insane?" Ryan asked as she stood on Liz's back porch in front of her little sister. Elizabeth rolls her green eyes and lets out a long sigh. Ryan looked for annoyed than angry.

"If you were so worried about me jumping out a freaking window then you should have explained why the fuck you're in cahoots with that deadbeat piece of shit," Elizabeth said in a nasty voice. The rage and fiery made her blood boil and she can feel the electricity flashing in her blood.

"I just want you to know Mom is okay and I need to explain what's going on," Ryan says in her attempt of a soothing voice that reminiscent of their mother's. Elizabeth lets out a long sigh. Part of her wants to ignore Ryan, but she wants to know truth. No, she needs to know.

"Fine, but if it's no good I'm going back inside," Elizabeth tells her sister as she runs her hair through her fallen curls that Liz had made this morning with her flat iron and crosses her arms.

"Lizzy, something is going to happen and I need you to trust me," Ryan says, her tone is sincere which makes the hard expression on Elizabeth's face soften a little bit. Ryan's left brow twitches upper ward which tells the other girl she's telling the truth.

Elizabeth pushes her hair behind her ears, "what kind of things, Ry?"

"I can't say anything else, but when this is over things will be different and I'll tell you everything," Ryan said to her sister, she turns toward the darkness in the Allens' backyard, "I have to go."

"Wait, I need to know," Elizabeth pleads with her sister. Her angry had dissolved into curiosity mixed with a dab of desperation.

"In time," Ryan answers and goes off into the night. Elizabeth watches her leave as a single tear runs down her pale cheek.

Saturday was the calmest out of all the bat shit crazy days this week for Elizabeth as she and Liz hang out in her front room watching television. Both Adrian and Doris, Liz's parents had already left for work and were aware with the fact that Elizabeth had been sleeping there for the past few days. Neither adults batted an eye at this. Elizabeth would stay over at Liz's for extended stays before her accident without asking or preparing for it. That's because that's what best friends did. Only back then Elizabeth wasn't floating six feet in the air while watching a Vampire Diaries's box set with Liz sprawled on the couch eating straight out of a bag of Skinny Pop.

"God, Liz don't be greedy," Elizabeth said moving her body downward and reaching her hand into the bag and snatching a handful of popcorn. Liz frowns trying to jog the snack to herself.

"Don't stick your dirty hands in my bag," Liz said shutting the bag so the other girl couldn't get anymore. Elizabeth rolls her eyes and focuses back on the TV while eating the kernels trying not to think of Ryan and her desperate plea to her to not go poking around. It still didn't give Elizabeth the answer she wanted though. It didn't explain why Ryan seemed to be working with their father and why the hell he was in Jessica and Elizabeth's apartment and how he knew where it was.

For the next few hours Elizabeth and her best friend watch the Vampire Diaries while the blonde girl practices flying around the living room and succeeded in only bumped her head a few times without any horrible bruising.

For the first time in a week Elizabeth charges her phone. After a while it turns back on while Liz and Elizabeth lounges in Liz's room.

"Can you check the messages?" Elizabeth asks Liz. She grabs her friend's phone and unlocks it.

"Most of these are from your mom and I. There's a few from Peter though," Liz said. The mention of Peter's name makes Elizabeth's heart skip a beat.

"What do the ones my mom sent say?"

"Mostly she's saying she's okay and asking where you are. The last one says she's heard from Ryan and not to jump through anymore windows," Liz replies as the front door open. Instantly Elizabeth falls out of the air onto Liz's carpet.

"Jeez, are you okay, Lizzy?" Liz whisper-shouted at Elizabeth, who groaned as she got up and sat at Liz's desk.

"Liz, Elizabeth, are you here?" Adrian Allen called out from what seemed like the kitchen.

"Yeah! We're in my room, Dad," Liz called back as she hands Elizabeth her phone and gets up to go find her father. The screen of the phone is cracked thanks to her escape from her apartment a few days earlier.

She scrolls through Ryan's messages which were about her jumping out the window, trying to find her and asking how she was feeling. Then, she gets to Peter's messages.

Hey, Elizabeth just checking in

Have you heard from Liz, she's not answering my texts

Are you guys okay?

Elizabeth sighs and exits the messaging app. This was a part of herself that she desperately didn't want to confront, more like she didn't have time to confront it. Peter Parker hadn't been on her mind in what seems like eons, she had so many more problems than a silly crush on a boy. She couldn't be bothered by Peter at the moment, there are too many things on Elizabeth's mind at the moment. Then, it hits her.

Elizabeth could remember the time where she couldn't stop thinking about, the times when her heart ached for him, but now all she feels is indifference toward him. She wasn't even sure she was even interested in being friends with him anymore. She felt so disconnected from Peter and everything she used to like about him. He was no longer the object of her affection. He was now Liz's boyfriend, nothing more and nothing less.

Elizabeth slumps back in Liz's desk chair with a a huff.

She was over him.

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