The opening

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"SHE IS MINE AND NO ONE ELSE'S BUT MINE" Adrian said with an emotion that made me want to run from him,hug him,kiss him, hide and cowered away from him,all at the same time .

HOLD UP! let's start from the beginning


" STOP IT " i screamed as Jake continued to chase me around the house.

" I'll stop when you give me my phone ! " he yelled angry

" But she's really cute and coincidentally she's my friend's little sister" I said smiling at him as his face lit up

" So you could get me with her, right ?" he asked a hopeful look in his eyes

" that's if she wants you bro but yes I can try to get you with her" I told him and gave him his phone.
" It's dinner time " my mum said and we both went to the dinning table ." Please call your dad scar ?" she asked me

My mum [Veronica] is a 5'6 ft ,blue eyed 42 year old with auburn-red colored hair,she has full beautiful lips and surprisingly a really amazing body for someone her age and she isn't the typical type of mom that would say 'oh don't go out tonight it's too late' but the type that would take the liberty of  even buying the clothes you would wear to the party at night but she obviously would give us a curfew for midnight,but since the incident she doesn't let me out anymore.

I called my dad through the intercom that was by my side ,when he answered I told him that dinner was ready and he said that he is coming down soon and ended the call. my ringtone (' uproar' by lil Wayne and some other guy) started blaring from my phone and gave my mom a sheepish smile as I picked the call .

" hey girl " i greeted

" hey boo, how about that party i told you about ,are you coming ?"

" I don't know i'm still trying to recover from the last party i was in and you remember how bad that day was" i grimaced at the memory of that night ,i still have horrifying nightmares about that bad night ,even my therapist can't help me.

" I totally understand and you know what ?screw the damn party !,I'm coming over in an hour and a half" she said with sort an annoyed voice

''No you don't -"

"no it's not a problem ,I'm actually in the mood to hangout with my best friend "she excitedly admitted

" Okay,bye" I said and cut the call

" Who were you talking to honey ?" my mum asked

" It was Rachel ,she said she's coming over in an hour " I told her.Rachael is like a sister to me and a second daughter to my parents so they were totally comfortably with her and my parents and her parents are best-friends with my parents so we practically share each others houses .

"Hey love" my dad said holding my mum by the waist and kissing her on the lips,no matter how old my parents are they will continue to love each other unconditionally, I just hope that one day even with all of my flaws and problems I would find that man that will love me and look at me the way my dad look my mom.

"Good evening dad " i greeted and kissed his cheek when him and mom stopped stopped kissing.

"good evening my wonderful children,how were your days ?"he asked and i frowned, today wasn't exactly the best day ever,it's been 2 years since the incident happened and till this day i can't talk to boys properly,i still have nightmares and i'm still taunted by some of my classmates ,so school isn't the place i like the most but ,i only have a year left so i just have bear with them.

" it was fine " we both said

" scar your lying ,how was your day truly ?" he repeated raising his eyebrow questioningly

" it horrible and stressful i can't wait till i get out of there" i admitted and let out a breath i didn't know i was holding .

"Roni i think we should tell them now" my dad said to my mum

"okay,you guys we have to move to america soon" she said her lips pulling into a frown

"Really?" "yay"I and my brother said at the same time

" you guys like the idea ?" my dad surprised at our reaction

" Of course ,we love the idea dad "i responded for the both of us

"okay great we are leaving on Friday" he said nonchalantly

"And you didn't bother telling us until now?!, we have school and when are we going pack? "i said/yelling at him

"You two won't go to school so you and Rachel can go shopping "

"What about me dad ?,i have a life to"Jake complained

" You'll go and whatever guy stuff you need to with Dave" he said

" No more question until tomorrow morning, okay?" he said with a serious face

" Okay dad " we both said

We then started eating , today for dinner my mum made lasagna and garlic bread which is totally delicious and I had to have seconds, when we were done eating I stood up and went up to my room and called my therapists_Kayla_on skype.

A month after the incident my parents insisted on me getting a therapist cause of my i was developing a mild case PTSD and day by day it kept increasing and as much as i tried to hide it , i couldn't but i told them that i wouldn't go to her office so i video call her instead.

"Good evening Scarlett ,how are you?"she asked

"To tell you the truth i am not so good ,but at least I'm alive" I said a humorless laugh escaping my lips.

"Today i'm doing emotion based therapy, so i want you to be completely honest with me so have an open mind"

"when was the last time you went out with a boy?" she asked with a small smile

"two and a half years ago" I still remember him ,miss him even .I thought he loved me but that's obviously not true considering what he did to me. The session takes an hour and at the end I feel one percent better which is good cause I normally feel neutral or worse,at that moment Rachel came into my room with a small bag of my favourite snack and a back pack . We both are part Nigerian and our parents made sure that we know about that part of us and we eat Nigerian food and snacks such as : Jollof rice , Akara, chin-chin e.t.c.

"hey bae, how are you ?"she asked as she dropped the small bag of chin-chin and her backpack. "I am fine lets watch after, I have been dying to watch it with you" I say with a smile. After that we watch TV till we go to sleep.


Authors note: thank you so much for taping on this book, this is my first book and I hope you enjoy it. Please comment and vote.

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