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Rd: we don't have a maid .........
Ss: I do you don't
Rd: huh
Ss: mind game ~~~~~~~_______~~~~~
Rd: so who is this maid
Ss: you
Rd: what
Ss: look at the new dare XD

I dare dash to do anything soarin wants for a day

Rd:........................................................................................................................................................................... no
Ss: yes now go put this on :p *hands dash a sexy made costume*
Rd: OMG NO and were did you even get that
Ss: the Internet and yes unless your gonna chicken out 😏😏😏
Dash growls knowing there no point in fighting so she grabs the maid costume and walks to the bathroom
Rainbow come out to see soarin in bed with some list
Ss: here. This is all the stuff I need your to do for me
Rd: whatever *snatches the list*
Ss: hey no snatching my sexy little made :p
The list
Make me some apple juice
Bring the apple juice to me
Make me pie
Then feed me the pie
Love me
Hug me
Turn on the tv
Put on the sports channel
And anything else I decide.
Love you my sexy little dashie maid

Rainbow does all the stupid stuff until the end of the day

Ss: best dare EVER
Rd: no
Ss: yes
Rd: well at least it's over now
Ss: well there is one more thing 😈
Rd: omg WHAT
Ss: kiss me
Rd: ugh *kisses him softly*
Ss: 😏

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