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a/n: hey guys some of these ideas for my story come from two things 1: from a minecraft roleplay youtuber named newscapepro he has done a creepypasta series and a scp series among other things. and 2: from a show that i have watched called legacies i reccomend you watch originls before watching legacies any its about a boy who thinks he is human and goes to a school full of vampires werewolves and witches but one kid is different then all of them her name is hope and she is tribrid a mixture of a werewolf a vampire and a witch now if you want to understand why she is like that watch originals it will explain everything.anyway enough with my jabbering lets get into the story.

i wake up in a area unfamiliar to me but i feel like i've been here.

(???): ah your back its nice to see you again.

i turn around seeing a creature made of flames it looks familiar but i can't place it.

(y/n): who are you?

i can see its eyes but i can tell it is saddened to hear me say that

(???): that does not matter right now you need to wake up you are in grave danger. WAKE UP!!

i then wake up with a spliting headache i look around and realize where i am i then i then lay back down exhausted then i get a sharp pain in my back and realize i have a gigantic hole in my body but as soon as i see it steam starts to rise and when it clears the hole is gone (y/n): wait what about elaine i see her just standing there with two armed men behind her she sees that im awake and rushes over to bring me over.

(Elaine): how did you survive? scp 173 snapped your neck?

i look at her dumbfounded then i remember the massive hole in my body.

(y/n): hope she did not see that

she the gives me a hug out of no where which turns my face so red it makes look like a tomato.

(Elaine): thank god your safe.

she then breaks the hug.

(guard 1): umm mam the scp.

(Elaine): right get him into containment you all know the drill.

(guard 1 and 2): yes mam.

(Elaine):do you believe me now?

(y/n): how can i not.

(Elaine): well let s get ba-

she was cut off by an alarm going off.

(intercom): containment breach. containment breach. all staff and personnel please evacuate i repeat all staff and personnel please evacuate.

we start running towards the main door the an earthquake happens making the ceiling collapse blocking the door.

(y/n): just freaking great.

a/n: hey guys was that not interesting anyway i will try to update daily except for Tuesdays and Wednesdays if i don't update on any other day i apologize very much anyway see ya next time P.S 472 including the authors note

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