side chick

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David sucked harshly onto the side of my neck. "Jeez, somebody's eager" I teased. He sat up, rolled his eyes, and shoved my chest. "Shut up before someone hears us" he giggled. "David" I moaned, grabbing the back of his head, bringing him closer to my neck. I heard footsteps nearing the door, so I shoved David off of me. He landed on the floor with a thump. The footsteps soon entered the bathroom. "Ow, shit, what the hell was that for?!" David groaned, rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry, I thought I heard someone" I laughed nervously. "I wish we didn't have to hide this" David groaned, laying on top of me again. I stroked his head as it laid on my chest.

"I don't think Liza would like that very much" I laughed. David and Liza have been dating for 6 months. 3 months ago David realized he's gay. "I just don't know how to tell her" David grumbled. "We're not even a thing. I feel like your side chick" I complained. He sat up and straddled my lap, "baby, noooooo, i wanna be a thing. I just haven't figured myself out quite yet" he shrugged. I shoved him off me and stood up. "Well, let me know when you have" I said, dusting myself off before leaving the room and him.

Three days after my fight with David, we sat watching a movie on the couch with everyone and of course David sits smack dab beside me. I ignored him and I could tell Heath sensed an awkwardness between David and I. "Hey Y/n, I think there's a couple of big Coke bottles in the fridge, in the garage, could you get them?" Scott asked. "Yeah sure" i chirped. I stood up and tossed the blanket I was using in my spot, on the couch, to save it. I shut the screen door and made my way to the garage. Jeez this place is creepy. Of course pussy ass Scott would make me do this. I open the fridge and grab the two giant Coke bottles I see.

I close the door with my foot and turn around, to be slammed into the fridge, dropping the two coke bottles. "Jeez David, you scared the shit outta me. "I can't stand not talking to you. You won't even look at me! Do you hate me now or something?" He said, letting go of my shoulders. "Of course not, I could never hate you" I said,cupping his face in my hands. "I broke up with Liza" he said, pushing my hands away. "Wha- really?" I asked. "Yeah" he said, looking down. "David" I spoke sternly. He stared at the shaken up Coke bottles on the floor. "David" I said, bending down to see his face. "Did you really break up with her... for me?" I asked. He nodded and I lifted him up. "That's great baby! Now you can finally be mine! No more hiding!, no more cheating!, no more lies!, no more- hey, why're you crying?" I said, putting him down and wiping his tears with my thumbs.

"I don't know... I'm happy, but I'm scared Y/n. How will everyone take it?" He said, looking up at me. I kissed his head, "don't worry angel, everything is going to be okay. Do you know how much support everyone's going to give you. That the David Dobrik and Y/n L/n are dating?! Everyone's going to go nuts" I laughed. He scoffed and pulled me into a hug. "That's a lot of revenue too my good sir" I joked, resting my chin on top of his head. He laughed and squeezed me tighter. "The Cokes" he laughed, backing up and pointing at them. "What Coke? We don't have any Coke" I shrugged. He laughed and we walked back to the house feeling a lot less lonely and scared.

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