Chapter 2

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Lia's POV

So, here I am, watching Jc's videos at 3 am. He's so perfect, his laugh, his smile, his hair, everything about him is perfect to me. Yes, I thought about calling him, texting him... But I just couldn't. After what I did to him, it would just be awkward, it wouldn't be the same... My phone rings, it was Jc, I wanted to answer badly. But I just couldn't. I sound so selfish, but really, I'm not. I'm saving not only my feelings, but his. My phone rings again, I didn't bother to even pick up the phone. My phone rings again, I picked up an shut of my phone, an slammed my laptop shut. I

want him so bad... But it just won't be the same... Why did I cheat on him? I don't know. I pick up my phone, turn it back on, an call Jc. No answer. I call again, no answer. I call once more, but still, no answer. I wish I would've answered sooner... I grab my laptop, an I find myself watching Jc's videos again...

Hey guys! Who do you think Lia cheated on Jc with?? I can't wait to tell you guys 😏

- Ali

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