Chapter 2: Righteous Ranch Hand

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Calamity is the best cowgirl y'all can fucking catch these hands

Drift flinched in pain at his wrist, every time he moved it more pain seemed to erupt. He sighed heavily and sat back in his seat, watching the landscape.

"Are we there yet?" He asked his good friend Raptor who was driving the golf kart.

"For the last time Drift, where almost there!" Raptor huffed clearly annoyed as Drift whined and held his wrist to his chest.

When Drift hurt his wrist earlier that day, Raptor, instead of taking him back to HQ, said that they should stop by Plagues place. Apparently Plague was a Plague Doctor, and he was the number one medic in the whole Fortnite island. Field Surgeon apparently got her training from him.

Drift wasn't sure how he hadn't heard of him yet but here they were. Of course being from the Real World and knowing damn well what a Plague Doctor looked like and did for a living, he was nervous.

But also in a lot of pain

"How's your wrist holding up?" Raptor asked as Drift shrugged.

"It hurts when I move it" he replied looking down at his poor wrist.

"Well then stop moving it dumbass" Drift rolled his eyes at his friends snarky reply and kept his eyes focused on the land scape.

After a few minuets they arrived at Fatal Fields,  Raptor parked the golf cart by the giant barn and got out.

"Wait here, I'll go get Plague" Raptor instructed as he got out and walked off toward old looking house.

Drift watched and frowned, he looked down at his wrist before glancing around the place, the corn stood tall and it looked like whoever was living here was getting ready for Halloween coming up.

But something about the atmosphere didn't feel right to Drift, he felt watched. He shrugged it off of course but he just couldn't shake the feeling. Halloween or not, this place was giving him the creeps.

Suddenly there was a crash in the barn and Drift jumped in fright. He got out of the car and started walking toward the barn in curiosity, completely forgetting Raptors words, and the feeling of being watched.

"Mother fucker not again!!!"  He heard someone in a country accent curse as he peeked in the barn doors.

A women, the same age as him, wearing a white t shirt, blue jean shorts, a cowboy hat and cowboy boots was under what looked to be a quad crasher. She got out from underneath it and not seeing drift sat up and started to fiddle with her tools.

"Um excuse me..." Drift cleared his throat and the women with brown hair that faded to pink jumped.

"Jesus Christ! You scared the shit out of me!" She yelled as Drift stood there awkwardly.

"Sorry about that but I-I um heard your yelling and I thought I'd come to see if you were ok...." he replied still holding his left hand to his chest watching the women.

"It's alright... I'm just trying to fix this quad crasher but the engine... It keeps failing on me..." she huffed and took off her Cowboy hat, whipping her forehead of sweat and grim.

"Here you want me to help you with that?" Drift asked approaching her.

"I'm pretty good with this type of stuff" he commented as she smiled up at him.

"Yeah that would be great, thanks a lot" she smiled as he crouched down.

"So why are you here in the first place partner?" She asked as he got down underneath the quad and started working on it signal handily. His left hand limply on his chest.

"Well if you hadn't noticed, I busted my wrist and my friend told me he was taking me to Fortnites number one Medic, someone named Plague, and now we're here" he replied using the wrench to screw on a bolt.

The women chuckled.

"Well you came to the right place, Plagues the best medic out there, he's nice he's sweet he's caring...." The women trailed off as Drift peeked his head out to look at her.

"So is he like a love interest?"

The women burst out laughing.

"No no no! He's like the father I've never had, he's raised me since I was young and... when my mother died he took me in...." she trailed off and scratched her neck as Drift frowned behind his mouth mask.

"Shit I'm sorry I brung it up-" he started before she shook her head and looked at him.

"Nah your good partner, it was complicated, and she was a vampire hunter so...." she sighed and Drift went back to working.

"There!!" After awhile of working Drift finally got the engine to start as well as talk more with the women and get to know each other.

"Sweet! Thank you so much!!" The women helped Drift up with surprising strength and smiled widely up at him.

"Yeah of course! Shit I never got your name..." he looked at her.

"Oh fuck! I'm sorry, how rude of me! The names Calamity, but please call me Cal" she held out her hand and with Drifts good hand, he shook it.

"The names Drift and you can just uh... call me Drift" Calamity laughed.

"Wait THE Drift? As in the guy who fell from the rift?!?" She asked her chocolate eyes widening as he scratched the back of his head.

"Yep... that's me" he said embarrassed as she gasped.

"I knew I recognized you! I just didn't know where!!! But anyway it's a pleasure to meet you face to face" Cal chuckled before glancing toward the barn door beside then. She froze and whipped her head toward it.

"Hey!! I see you two don't think your so slick!!" She yelled and when Drift whipped his head around to look he saw a cloud of dust appear, were they being watched?

Calamity sighed and crossed her arms as Drift looked confused, what and or who did she see?

"I'm sorry about them, I love them to death but there just misbehaving children almost all the time. Plagues children or not" Drift raised an brow.

"Plague has children...?" Drift asked as Cal nodded.

"Yeah ever since the floating Kevin island made its way over here we had to evacuate. Well just Plague that is, I was with a friend at the time and something... amazing yet terrifying happened" she trailed off and Drift watched her carefully.

"What happened-?"


Drift and Calamity both looked at the barn doors, Drift cursed under his breath as Raptor appeared from the barn doors Drift.

"Drift!! There you are! Look Plague can...." he trailed off as soon as he made eye contact with Calamity.

"Howdy" she tipped her cowboy hat while Raptor looked confused.

"Hi? I'm sorry who are you?" He asked as Drift decided to step in.

"Raptor, this is Calamity, Calamity this is my friend Raptor" Drift introduces as Calamity gave him a smoll wave.

Raptor waved back awkwardly.

"Anyway, cmon Drift lets get your hand checked out" Raptor turned and stalked out of the barn.

"Here I'll go with you" Calamity replied walking over and grabbing the box of tools by the quad. Drift smiled and walked to the barn doors.

"Alrighty lets head out gamers!!!"

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