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"I can whole heartedly try to do anything for my wife but one thing that I have sincerely been unable to do for her, is to win her mother's heart!"- Yasir Hosseini.

Months later...

A mother.

The very first person with whom almost everybody shares the most beautiful and sincere connection.

The one person and many at times the only person to whom you can never be a burden. The one person who instantly becomes your everything and you, theirs. The one person who would forever remain special and she Yumnah...

Had lost that person.

She had lost her dear mother in return for her loving husband.

Her blind husband!

Or rather had she chosen one over the other?

Tears continuously trickled down her face as she stared down at the phone in her now delicate trembling hands.

"Please pick up Mama. Please pick up my call for just this once, "she whispered as another slow but slightly painful early labor contraction hit her.

"All I want is for you to tell me that I can do this. That I will be okay. That I am going to make a great mother just like you. Just like you Mama," she once again whispered as she once again tried to dial her dear mother's number only for her heart to sink when there was no reply...

Yet again!

She tightly shut her eyes when she experienced yet another contraction, tears still trickling down her face, he heart laden with a lot of fear, nervousness, guilt and utmost yearning.

Utmost yearning for her very own mother.

"Was marrying a blind man such a grave mistake that I made that it cost me your love, Mama? Was it such a big sin that I committed by marrying a man who didn't choose to be the way he is? Was it something so horrendous that I did by marrying a man who gets up every day and tries to be the best of himself?"

"A man who loves and cares."

"A man who respects."

"A man, who makes mistakes, accepts them and tries to rectify them but what he doesn't know is that the biggest mistake of his life was him being born blind.

"A mistake that he has accepted but unfortunately can never rectify."

"The mistake or rather the flaw which I find so breathtakingly beautiful, it being one of the main reasons as to why I fell for him. As to how Yasir Hosseini stole my heart. As to why I can love him and only him and no other man," she said as she wiped away her tears her heart breaking bit by bit upon seeing her mother reply to a message on a common Whatsapp's ladies group.

"Mama please. Just for this once. I really really need you. I need you to reassure me that I can do this. That there is no reason for me to be scared. That you are there for me. That you are there for me even if it is just for today. Only until when my child is born. Your grandchild," she once again whispered, placing her hand gently over baby bump as she literally broke down once again.

She experienced pain, numbness, guilt, fear, sadness and so much for while her heart just yearned for one person...

Her mother!

She slightly jumped, placing her hand over heart when the front door of the mansion opened with an extremely loud overly dramatic and I repeat, OVERLY DRAMATIC bang!

An extremely concerned Khaleel walked or rather ran in followed by an overly nervous and stressed out Yasir and Yumnah immediately wiped away her tears and ran to her husband's side instantly entwining her hand with his.

HER BLIND HUSBAND ( A Wattpad Featured Story)Where stories live. Discover now