Chapter I: Already Gone

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Chapter I: Already Gone

-Sleeping At Last-

"Started with a perfect kiss

Then we could feel the poison set in

Perfect couldn't keep this love alive"


It hasn't changed a bit.

Jinhwan takes a deep breath and softly presses his eyes close. He tightened his grip from his luggage handle before slowing down his steps going outside the arrival area. It's been a while since he left Seoul, and now here he is breathing the Seoul air he misses so much.

His eyes scan the area when the automatic slide door opens. He is looking for one man. Someone he is expecting to welcome him with a warm tight hug and an annoyingly cute 'I miss you'.

There he is. Jinhwan says in his head.

He flashes a wide smile as he walks towards the tall man who is almost running to his direction too.

"Hyung!" A bright smiling man shouts.

Jinhwan can see his eyes through his sunglass. The man wraps him around his arms tightly he is almost out of breath.

"Hyung! I miss you! I'm so happy you come back!"

"Ya! I can't breathe." Jinhwan slightly taps out the young man's back to signal him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I am just so happy to see you again." Jinhwan can see a little tear forming in the younger's eyes.

"Me too, Yunhyeong-ah. Thank you for picking me up today. I didn't want to bother you but—" His words are cut short because Yunhyeong immediately speaks.

"Hyung, I'm so glad you called me. Wow, it's really been what? —"

"Five... It's been 5 long years, Yunhyeong-ah. But Seoul hasn't changed a bit and either do you. Why are you wearing fancy clothes and a... sunglass? I am supposed to look like someone who just got back, not you."

Jinhwan teases him looking Yunhyeong intently from head to toe. Yunhyeong is wearing a denim jacket with his black inner shirt and black pants completed with his gold Rolex wrist watch and Gucci handbag.

"Hyung! Of course, I want to brag myself." Yunhyeong says and he slowly leans forward to whisper on Jinhwan.

"I am a commercial model now. I don't want people to recognize me that's why I wear this." He explains and pointed his sunglass as disguise.

Jinhwan airily laughs before answering. "You are already making it obvious, Yunhyeong-ah."

"That's what I'm saying, hyung. Haha! Anyway, let's go. I know you're tired from your flight." Yunhyeong reaches Jinhwan's luggage and helps him push it.

"Japan is not that far Yunhyeong-ah. I can go home after we catch up. How about we have lunch first before you drop me home?"



Jinhwan fondly staring outside the window enjoying the sceneries passing by his eyes. Japan is beautiful, but being home is much prettier, he thinks. He almost regrets running away five years ago. He doesn't think his younger self would be that coward only to find himself away and lonely. If only he could have been braver, there would be a huge difference in the last 5 years. Who knows? He might have been living a happy life with...his lover.

Jinhwan's train of thoughts is interrupted when Yunhyeong breaks the silence.

"How's Japan, Hyung? Is it that good? It took you 5 years to come home. I almost thought you'd never come back."

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