Chapter 3: Heart Like Yours

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Chapter 3: Heart Like Yours

-Willamette Stone-

"Hold fast hope, all your love is

All I've ever known

How could a heart like yours,

Ever love a heart like mine."

Jinhwan opens his eyes in shock as he holds his head up and realizes he fell asleep reading his journal. His dream of the past suddenly is interrupted. He deeply sighs looking at the old journal in front of him. He slowly closes it and reaches for his phone from his pocket. He checks the time and it is already noon time. He unlocks his phone and looks for Yunhyeong's number.

To Yoyo:

Hey, I'll be going home. i need to check the house. I'll just text u if I need anything. Thank u last night, Yunhyeong-ah...

The reply is almost immediate saying, "anything for u hyung. I'll come by later."

Jinhwan leaves Yunhyeong's house and decides to just stay in his home. Besides, he needs to stay there so that he cannot bother Yunhyeong anymore. He is the kind of person who doesn't want to be a burden to anyone even if that anyone is his best friend.

It's been a week since the party and Jinhwan still waits for Chanwoo's call about the modeling gig they talked about. It has been a week of him doing nothing but to leech on his best friend most of the time as he is still jobless. He actually enjoys his time off from work since he was really busy back in Japan helping his sister's business there. But he wants to start working again to make himself busy or else he will just end up missing Junhoe even more as days pass.

"Where are we going?" Jinhwan asked Yunhyeong the moment he enters his best friend's car. It's almost 7pm as what the dashboard shows him.

Yunhyeong fetched him telling him he has no schedule, so they have time to hang out tonight.

"Donghyuk invited me tonight at 777 Club. It's weekend, so..."

Jinhwan suddenly freezes at his answer and slowly buckles his seatbelt. He knows Yunhyeong saw his subtle reaction because he can feel the pair of eyes staring at him.

"Our circle of friends is so small there's no way for you to not see Junhoe once in a while—" Yunhyeong starts to babble.

"I did not say anything, Yunhyeong-ah." He cuts him off.

"Y-yeah. That's what I'm saying." Yunhyeong replies with his nodding head. "And I think Donghyuk also has something to say to you." He added.

Jinhwan turns his head to look at his best friend. "About what?" He can feel his stomach churned.

"An offer." Yunhyeong answers.

Jinhwan's forehead knits at his best friend's words. "An offer? What offer?"

"That's why we're going there because he didn't tell me either. He wants to say it to you in person and I feel good about it. Donghyuk is a good guy, you know."

Jinhwan is only looking outside the window while listening to his best friend. He doesn't know how to react or to feel. What could it possibly be?

"Okay." He only utters, and the entire drive is silence.

Jinhwan loses track of the time, the drive almost feels short. He is not sure if it is because he's been feeling something indescribable in his stomach the whole drive. He turns his head to Yunhyeong who is now putting the car into parking mode before glancing at him and gives him a bright smile.

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