Chapter 1

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Ariana Pov
Don't you ever speak to me again I'm tired I tried and tried but you keep pushing me away I caught you cheating twice I'm sorry but whatever me and you had it's over I'm done

"Ariana walks away taking off the promise ring he bought her when they first got together"

Dave Pov
I fucked up bad i can't lose the only women who was down for me i can't believe i did this dumb shit i shouldn't of went out I have to get her back even if it takes years to get her back I will fight for her

"Dave walks up to her I'm sorry baby I'll give you time but promise me you'll take this ring back and think about us still I love you forever "

Ariana pov
"I promise" and with that she was gone she packed all her stuff and moved to Miami to start a new life and not worrying about what Dave did or is doing she's going to expand her hair salon and make millions of doing what she loves to do her bestfriend lives in Miami and that's her partner but she's going to miss her mom and dad and siblings and most of all Dave's mom and dad they loved her like no other they wanted her to have their grandchildren but their son had to fuck up we'll see what the future holds for them but until then See ya later....

Dave pov
I guess im going to just sulk around this house until she comes back but until then I need some Hennessy and some music because this is the only break up I took hard my whole family loves this girl and I let the weed and liquor get to me I should have stayed home with her that night I wouldn't be in this situation now damn I really fucked up but ima try to get her back one way or another "Dave's thought mabye I should propose to her" when I try to get her back but as of right now ima give her time so I'm out.

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