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Johnny❤️: Hey Nads, you ok?
Opened at 20.57

Johnny❤️: Hellllloooooo???
Opened at 21.01

Johnny❤️: Hayden told me
Opened at 21.05

Johnny❤️: It's not true! It's you I like
Opened at 21.08

Johnny❤️: Baby please!
Opened at 21.11

Johnny❤️: Seriously Nadia! I'm really not in the mood rn
Delivered at 21.13

Nadia sighed angrily putting down her phone. "You ok?" Brynn questioned entering the strawberry blondes room. "Johnny," she replied dryly. Brynn's face fell into an "O" shape. "He said that what Lauren said Isn't true. It's me he likes but what's the point?!" Nadia exclaimed.

"Maybe he does like you?" Brynn said sitting down beside her best friend. "Bull shit," Nadia replied throwing herself back onto her duvet. "I think I'm going to break up with him!" She muttered. "WHAT?" Brynn screeched. Nadia rolled her eyes before replying "since he won't man up and break up with me, I'll just do it!".

"You're legit the man of the relationship," Brynn giggled. Nadia smiled before picking up her phone. "I'll go do it alone," she sighed standing up. "No you stay here, I have to go pee anyways," Brynn said standing up and leaving the room.

Sitting down at the edge of the bath, Brynn opened Snapchat and sent Annie a chat.


Annie: BRYNN
Is Nadia ok? We're really sorry!


Annie: WHAT?

Brynn: She knows what Lauren said is true
She knows that Johnny is in love with Kenzie
And that Kenzie is in love with Johnny

Annie: I feel so bad rn! He basically just used her. Fuck it! I even let Mackenzie rant about how Nadia was a bitch to me

Brynn: She What?

Annie: I umm I said to much

Brynn: ANNIE!

Annie: Fine! Mackenzie has been bitcbing to me about Nadia since Johnny told us they were together. Then just tonight she bitched to me about you and Nadia and how youse didn't invite anyone to your sleepover

Brynn: Thank you Annie, now I must go tell Nadia

Annie: What?
Don't tell anyone I told you!

Delivered t 21.24

Unlocking the bathroom door Brynn rushed into Nadia's room. Grabbing the girls phone she skimmed through the messages. "BRYNN!" Nadia Shouted angrily. "Thank god you didn't do it yet!" Brynn let out the breath she had been holding in.

"What? Why?" Nadia questioned confused. "I was just talking to Annie, look!" The blonde exclaimed showing Nadia the saved messages between her and Annie,. "Wow real friends we've got!" Nadia sighed trying to process all of this. "Nadia, I'm SO over everyone hating you because you're with Johnny!Im over everyone hating you because "you stole me from Mackenzie,"" Brynn said. Nadia looked down.

"I'm over it too," Nadia replied honestly. "Go, break up with Johnny! see me and you, were going to show everyone how strong we are and how we don't need our friends to survive ok?!" Brynn asked. Nadia nodded her head. "We're stronger than them. And we're going to show that!".

Nadia: Johnny

Johnny: Thank god you've replied!

Nadia: I'm sorry I can't do this anymore

Johnny: Huh?

Nadia: Go be with Mackenzie ok?!

Johnny: Nadia stop!

Nadia: No! You're in love with Mackenzie. And I'm so over all of that hate I'm getting. She loves you back so go be with her

Johnny: Thank you Nadia. I love you❤️

Opened at 21.35

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The tea is boiling

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