Part 39

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Note :  Roli from orphanage will be called as Roli1
Gangster Sid will be Sid1
Roli with parents will be Roli2
Sid with parents will be Sid2

Roli1 & Sid2 are a pair
Roli2 & Sid1 are a pair


Sid2 went near his Roli who was on the bed.

Sid understood she is upset.

But the reason was not clear to him.

Sid went near her and lay down beside her.

SId: ROli... What happend?

ROli: Nothing.

Sid: I can see your face is upset.

ROli: What bothers you?

Sid: You bother me.  Now tell me.

Roli: It is nothing.

Sid: My queen upset for nothing.  How it is possible?

Roli: I am not your queen.

Sid: Who said?  You are my one & only queen.

Roli: Only by words i am your queen.  But

Sid: But..

ROli: I dont have any place in your thoughts.

Sid: What are you talking ROli?  You are in my heart & mind always.

Roli: If that is so, you might have not done this to me

ROli started crying.

Sid: Oh GOd!  Tell me what I did.  Then only i can understand

Roli: Now you started avoiding me

Sid: Avoiding you? When?

Roli: In the hall.  You told me to take food separate. When I ate food without you since our marriage?

Sid: Oh!  That is your concern.  Actually you know how long we did dancing.  So I was feeling tired and taking long breathe.  How can I have food in that condition?  THats why I told you to take.

ROli: But you too can tell me to wait for you right.

Sid: But ROli, I thought we were already getting late.  So why should you wait hungry.  I just thought good for you.  Is this your concern tell me?

Roli: Not only that.

ROli was crying more.

Sid: Roli.. How can I understand if you dont tell me what is your problem?

Roli: It might have been good if you married my sister instead of me like how it was fixed.

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