Day 11 july 23 2019

37 3 2

Hello my hooman's!! I've been seeing the pastas more frequently now. Like this morning I was going to Harrisburg to do something then I heard talking behind me as I walked. They were men and they were saying stuff like "hey look isn't that our target?" And "should we kill her? Nah...let's just stalk her for now..." I looked behind me and saw them not there...I was like what the hell...I kept on walking starting to speed up tho. They kept following me until I left Harrisburg. They might be back. I've also left candy out for LJ for some reason...I couldn't control myself for some reason, it was like someone was controlling me. I do have masky's mask on my kitchen counter and he is probably thinking "who the hell did this?"
Don't forget to be kind, help the homeless, and be sweet!!!!

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