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josh and george were out once again, in the early hours of the morning. late enough to ensure that the streets were as empty as the bottles they were carrying in their hands.

admittedly, they did these late night 'adventures' - as they called them - more often than they should. but they both knew that they only lived once and were more than aware of every precious second flickering away that they couldn't afford to loose.

they left george's apartment at 1:30, already a little scattered from the drinks they shared at his place. josh swayed a little along with the wind and slightly bumped into george
"so where are we going?" he asked, his voice sounding slightly groggy.

they never planned a particular route, which was what was always so great about these walks, they just walked through random alleys and along unrecognised pathways, down unfamiliar countryside and up unidentified sea shores

"maybe..." george stopped to think, "we could walk up to the beach?" josh nodded in response as they headed down their street, street lamps flickering. the summer breeze was strong but warm and refreshed both of them.

they both walked along, talking about whatever their drunken minds were thinking, as the bottle they shared slowly got emptier and emptier. they were both swaying into eachother at this point, shoulders bumping with every step. they laughed walking down by the shore, george occasionally throwing a stone in the sea.
they both sat down next to each other, the waves threatening to intrude.
"say if..." josh started, " 'cause y'know, i'm obviously not gay but... i think we'd be so great together," he looked at george, with a blush on his face and a big smile.
george smiled to himself, "yeah, we would be. i've always wanted to be with someone like you,"

joshes goofy expression turned into one of surprise. he wasn't expecting that as a response. the truth is that he had liked george for a while, but hid his feelings in order to save the friendship. but now he had this new infomation, he suddenly felt more confident. in this moment, he didn't care about saving their friendship, he wanted george all to himself and him only.

"then... why don't we give it a go?"
george blushed, and josh leaned in. george knew this was the right thing to do. for once in his life, he was certain of something. he had always liked josh but was scared he didn't feel the same. josh was the only one he wanted, the only one he felt about like this. josh was his one. his only one.

they both leaned in, their lips painfully close, centimetres away. josh leaned in a little more so they were touching. both their lips tasted like smirnoff but it didn't matter. the only thing that mattered in this moment was each other.

they parted their embrace and looked eachother in the eye
"george. i've never loved someone as much as i love you. you are the only one i would ever dream of being with,"
"i love you too joshy. the suns coming up now, we should probably head home."
"shit- what time is it?"
george checked his watch, "5:45"

they both stood up, holding hands all the way home. they didn't say much, not much needed to be said. they were just enjoying being in each other's presence. george opened his apartment door and they both crashed out in george's bed, sleeping the day away in each other's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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late nights and early mornings || joshy x memeulous // commentary crew one shotWhere stories live. Discover now