Tici toby x insane! Chubby! reader

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A/n sorry I have to say this but the title is me ha chubby and insane 😂😂
I have been a part of the creepypasta for a while now and it's been so much fun. I spent most of it with my best friend/crush Toby. You're probably wondering how slendy found me it was a year ago
(A year ago)
It was a normal day of school when I do my normal routine: teeth, hair, clothes, bag, breakfast and out the door to school.
(Time skip by omg I only have tomorrow until I go to year nine that's crazy)
I was sat I maths my last lesson of the day when I saw a man with a plain white face in a black suit who was about seven-foot tall. He slowly waved at me, I waved back then I heard static and a voice saying "come, child to the wood when your day ends I need to speak with you" I only thought I was going mad or I forgot to take my pills again well ... it was both oh but little slendy was real and I was going to meet him. It was the end of the day, I stuck to my word and wondered into the wood to find the seven-foot-tall man. It was getting dark and I saw a camp up ahead. I decided to take a detour and have some fun there were these two boys looking at some pictures of half-naked and of fully naked women I thought it was disgusting and disrespectful so I took out the lucky pocket knife that my grandad gave me for my 18th birthday. I slowly approach the boys raising my knife height and higher until I stabbed one of the boys in the neck the other one turned around and screamed in Terror. I swiftly pulled out the knife and sliced his throat open with one movement. It was quite a bit too much until I heard the static again and the voice came back with the man appearing saying " my child, you are special and I want you to come with me to a house of people that love to do what you're doing now"I gave him a smirk and shook his long tentacle-like arm.
Back to now
And that is my back story now back to the present. I would spend any free moment I had with Toby either to kill or to play video games all day. But I would never have the guts to say something yes I flirt with him a lot but he doesn't understand so today I have made it my mission to tell him. I called for Toby to come to my room so I can talk to him in private. "Hi, y-y/n what do *tic you want t-to talk about," Toby said while ticking and stuttering. How adorable is he?" Oh well ... ummmm I was wondering if you would like umm to go on a date" I said the last bit in a whisper so I don't feel that embarrassed."o-oh Ummm *tic y-yeah sure I would love too *tic" you quickly grabbed his face ruffly and gave him a kiss. He was shocked at first but finally kissed back his hands went down your body to your big hips and started to caress them making you feel calm and relax maybe even sleepy."I love you Toby " you said as you both made your way to the bed to sleep."I love you too my moonstruck princess " then the darkness consumed us both to be knocked out in each other's arms.

A/n holy Jesus on a cracker 634 word omg

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