Chapter 12

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David's P.O.V.

Liz and I have gone to our first four classes of the day and now it’s time for lunch. Liz and I grab our lunch and go search for a place to sit. We decided to eat outside, since the weather is nice today. We quickly found a big tree with really shade. 

    I sit down against the tree as I set my lunch and backpack next to me. Liz sits down in front of me but I pull her to me, so she’s sitting in between my legs. I wrap my arms around her waist and bury my face in the crock of her neck. I feel her sime as she puts her hands on mine, relaxing, and leans into my chest. 

    This is where I want her to be, in my arms safe. I don’t care what other vampires think, I love this woman. She’s my everything. I’m scared to tell her what I am though. I don’t know how she’ll react or how she’ll handel it. So, I’m gonna wait for the right time. 

    I move my head out of Liz’s neck and she turns her head to look at me. I look at her as I stroke her cheek. She closes her eyes at my touch and I can her arms having goosebumps from my cold skin. Not the first time I have seen this happen. 

    As I relax against the tree, Liz picks up her lunch, sets it on her lap, and starts eating. I just leave mine where it is since I don’t eat but to her, I tell her I’m not that hungry. 

    Minutes pass by and the bell rings, signaling lunch is over. Liz and I stand up, grab our stuff, throw our trash away and start making our way to class. We walk hand in hand to class and before we walk through the door, my phone in my pocket starts vibrating. I pull Liz to the side and she looks up at me with a curious face.

    I pull out my phone and the number that’s calling is one of my old friends, Anton. I answer it, “Hey bro, what’s up?” I say into the phone as Liz stands in front of me. 

    “I know who you’re with and you know you’re breaking the rules. The council will find out who you’re with and know she’s not our kind.” I stand frozen where I am and look at Liz. I move the phone away from my mouth and whisper to Liz, “Go in, I’ll be there in a minute.” I kiss her forehead and she goes into the classroom and I’m left alone in the hallway. 

    “How did you find out?” I ask Anton putting the phone back to my mouth. 

    “I’ve been watching you for some time and finding out that you’re with a human is kind of fascinating but then again, very wrong. You better watch your back of what’s gonna happen for you and your new girlfriend.” Then the phone went silent, he hung up before I could ask anything. 

    I take the phone away from my face and stare at it. 

    How could this happen? How could the vampire council find out? Would Anton report to them or would one of the people from the council come looking for me then report me? 

    So many questions to ask and no one answering them. Right now, I need to protect Liz and I need to tell her what I am. 

    I walk into the classroom and the teacher ignores me as he continues the class and I sit next to Liz. 

    “Everything okay?” She asks in a whisper and I look at her. She looks worried. “Yea, is it okay after school you come to my place? I want to talk to you and show you something.” I ask her in a whisper. She nods and pulls out her phone. I see her texting her brother, August, then her parents, letting them know she's coming home with me. 

    I reach over and grab hold of her hand, our fingers wrapping around one another. I see Liz look up at me out of the corner of my eye, and I turn my head to look at her. She smiles at me, like there’s nothing to worry about. 

    Just wait for what I have to tell you baby. You may not worry about it at this moment, but wait till later. 

    I smile back at her then we both look at the front of the class, acting like we’re paying attention to the lesson. As I space out, I remember what my parents told me about finding a wife. I know it can’t be a human, that would be breaking the law and my parents already knew that I know that, so they didn’t have to remind me. 

    As I think more about that conversation, my parents never asked if she’s a vampire or human. I’m actually glad they didn’t. If they found out, I would be in so much trouble. Especially them working with the council. 

    God, so many things on my mind, I can’t keep up. 

    ~time skip after school~

    The school day is finally over and Liz and I start walking to my house. We walk hand in hand as we walk down the sidewalk and more questions start popping in my mind. Like, will Liz still be with me when I tell her the truth? Or will she run and never want to be with me? 

So many questions and not enough answers.

We make it to my house. I open the front door, we walk in, and make our way to my room. Liz makes her way to my bed and sits down as I close the door. 

I stand in front of the door and look down at the ground. I feel Liz’s eye on me, but I don’t look up at. 

“You okay David?” She asks and I look up at her.

“I have something to tell you, Liz.” I say and start walking to her.

“What is it?” She asks as I sit down next to her. 

Here we go, I’m gonna tell what I am. 

Hey guys. Hope you enjoy the story and I'm very happy to continue this story.

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