The Neighbor [1]

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Ally's Pov.

“Mommy! Tell daddy to give me back my doll.” My 6 year old self pleaded to the beauitful women standing infront of me. 'Mom?' The women laughed and smiled before yelling to her husband. “Charles James Johnson! Give your daughter back her doll.” My mom laughed even louder when her husband came into the room with my brown hairred doll in his large hands. The man's eyes connected with mine as his emerald green orbs stared back in amusement.

I reconized those eyes. They were my dad's eyes. “Charles...” Mom scolded, tapping her foot impatiently. Dad never broke eye contact with me when he stepped forwards towards me and kneeled down.

He placed the fragile doll in my tiny hands and covered them with his own. Dad slowly removes his hand which I quickly pull the doll to my chest.”Bad daddy” I giggled. Dad leans down and placed a gentil kiss on my forehead.

Of course a loud bang ruined the perfect family moment. The sound of metal banged agenist the front door which raddled throughout the house. “Charles? Mlissa? I know your in there!” A rough voice called out from behind the wooden door. Somehow I knew that voice.

“Charles?! Mlissa?! Open the damn door!” The voice screeched again. BANG! “I'm sorry I can't let you in Roman!”

Roman? Roman? How does that name so familiar? Roman. Then it hit me. Roman was my next door neighbor who was to go to jail for dealing drugs and stealing guns from abondon cabins. I guess he is used to it since this isn't the first time. But he just got released 2 months ago and since them we never had any problems with him, until now...

Roman coninued to bang on the door while calling the couples names. Mom pulled me close to her side as she hurried up the stairs. Bang! She tugged me through the long hallway with me slowly following her. We stopped at the closet.

“Go inside until someone comes and gets you but just not Roman. Now sit down and don't make a sound . Just remember that your dad and I will always love you, forever and always.” Mom kissed my forehead and stepped back. She closed the door with a small frown. I sat down on the carpet floor thinking about what just happened. Knowing my 6 year old self, It didn't take long before I fell asleep with the doll clutched tightly to my chest.


All I remember is waking up, still in the closet with two police officers infront of me. One kneeling right before me and the other one leaning in the doorway. “Hello.” The one infront of me spoke quietly. “Hi.” I whispered. “What's your name.” He asked, staring at me in pity. “Ally.”

“Hello Ally, my name is Kyle and this is my partner Collen.” Kyle stated. I just nod shyly. “Ally, how old are you?” Collen spoke, runnin ghis hands through his dark brown hair. I slowly let go of the doll and hold up 6 fingers.

“Your just 6?” Collen seemed surprised with his mouth partly opened. “God, you look just about 4 not freaking 6.” Collen mumbled under his breath and turning his head away from me.

Kyle must have caught me watching Collen and spoke “Heyy Ally, want to ride in a police car?” A smile spread across my face as I nodded. “Okay then, come on.” I picked up the doll as Kyle stood up and kindly offered his hand to me which I slipped my hand into his huge ones. He carefully pulled me up from my spot on the floor.

We stepped out the closet with Collen trailing behind us. Then suddenly rememeber about my parents. “Mr.Kyle, Mr.Collen, where's mommy and daddy?” I questioned them.


“Kyle?” Nothing...

“Collen?” Still nothing...

“Tell me where mommy and daddy are!” Still pure and utter silence. I roughly yanked my hand from Kyle's hand and ran to the last place that I had seen both of my parents. The living room....

Once I reached the living room, the first thing that I saw were police. The police were taking pictures of yellow stickers with numbers on it. By the yellow stickers were blood. By the blood was two body bags. Then I overheard a police officer telling a reporter “Charles and Mlissa Johnson were good people while they lived with their daughter, Ally who is still with us today while Charles and Mlissa...” He cleared his throat and looked at the body bags.

The body bags are carring my parent's bodies. Next thing that I did was scream.


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