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Kaminari pov

Jirou grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. And if I'm being honest the main reason I invited her was because she seemed stressed and I wanted to help her let loose.... and because I have a crush on her.

I was honestly really tired and hungry. My thoughts were interrupted by Jirou asking me a question. "Do you watch horror movies?" "Yeah, depending on what type." I answer back sitting up and looking at the tv. I saw she had put on Insidious. In my opinion that's a sorta scary movie.

"Are you sure you want to watch this movie? It's kinda scary" she looked over at me "Yeah, well I'll just hide under the covers if I get scared!" She said with a surprisingly proud and confident face. " Okay!". I looked back up at the tv just as the movie was starting. I've seen movie like two or three times, so I know when the jump scares are.

After a good 20 minutes we paused the movie to go get dinner, we grabbed our phones and walked down stairs. (Keep in mind their both in our pajamas.) We arrive into the dinning hall and walk over to a table. I sat down and let her go get her food first. I checked my phone as she was getting her food, I then realized that I had gotten a text from Kirishima.

Red Riot - Hey watcha doing? I'm bored and Bakubro isn't hanging out with anyone right abt now!

Me - What abt Sero and Mina?

Red Riot - busy doing something, probs cooking idk!

Me - well I'm busy and isn't it kinda late?

Red Riot - I mean yeah, but I'm bored! And what's keeping you busy?

Me - I'm hanging out with someone...

Red Riot - oh who?

Me - Someone...and I'm hanging out with her all weekend.

Red Riot - oh it's a her? Who is it?

Shit I said her! God damnit Denki! Act cool.... wait what am I talking abt, I can never act cool.

Me - none of your business...😐

Red Riot - Oh come on! I wanna know.

Just then Jirou Came back and it was my turn to get food. She looked kinda Uneasy, like she was scared. "Hey are you okay? You seem kinda shaky." I asked standing up. "Y-Yeah I'm t-totally fine." She said trying to smile, and failed miserably. "Don't lie, I could hear you stutter and you look scared, did something happen?" I bent down so I could see her face.

She looked at me and I was now certain that she was terrified. "T-there's a guy over there, h-he k-keeps looking at me..." I looked over to the corner of the room, I saw a sketchy guy in a black hoodie and a pair of jeans. From what I could tell he was kinda looking in this direction. I looked back at Jirou, she has slightly placed her hand a top of mine.

"Do you want me to stay here, or do you wanna walk up there with me?" I asked trying to hopefully calm her down a bit. "N-no, I'm fine. But if he starts moving closer, I'm gonna com up there, act like I forgot something. Okay?" He stayed as she looked up into my eyes and moved her hand a bit. I was a little concerned because of the way she was acting.

"Are you sure?" "Y-yeah, I'll be fine." She then let's go golf my hand and starts to eat her food as I go get mine. I got the sushi that I wanted, which happened to be California rolls. As I was about to walk away I felt a tug on my shirt. Very small but noticeable. I look to my left and see Jirou grabbing a fork and knife. "S-sorry, I got nervous." She says looking down at her feet. Her one hand still on my shirt. "N-no it's fine. I understand why you would be feeling nervous. Walk with my to get my drink and some sauce and then we can go sit down." I answer back taking her hand in mine to lead her over to the drink area. And get me a cup of Pepsi. I only let go of her hand when I was getting something.

I got my sauce and we walked back to the table. She sat down and looked into the corner where the man 'was' sitting. "Is he still there?" I asked taking a bite of my food. "N-no, he's not." She answers as she takes a bite of her food as well. "Okay, hurry up and eat and then we can go back to our room."

"Okay..." after ten minutes of complete silence we finished and walked to the elevator. She held onto my arm, like when I say held on I mean like held on. To be exact, so hard that I thought she was gonna ripe my shirt off. We got on the elevator I reached over and pressed floor 7. Going up she loosened the grip on my shirt, all up until we reached the 3rd floor.

The elevator stopped and a man got on, he wore a hood that covered his face. He didn't press a floor button, just went to the corner of the elevator. Jirou's Grip got so strong that I I'm pretty sure her knuckles went white. I grabbed her hand and rubbed as a way to ease her up a bit. The elevator went up and stopped on floor 7. We got out and walked to our room. I glanced back to see if the man was following us. He was at the vending machine and had his head slightly turned to face us. I picked up pace and got to the room faster. I opened the door and walked in. I locked it with all 3 locks.

Jirou finally eased up almost all the way knowing we were in the safety of our room. I was about to walk to the bed when she stopped me. "Hey, Kaminari...?" "Mhm?" I asked turning around to look at her. Her face was tilted down and she looked sad.

"I wanted today thank you....I felt so scared, like I was about to get assaulted, or kidnapped, or raped or-" she started speaking fast and started to freak out. Before she could finish I pulled her into a hug. "Calm down. It's a normal feeling to be scared when stuff like that happens." She wrapped her arms around my waist and after a minute she moved away. "C-can we finish the movie now?" She walked over to the beds and grabbed to remote and I followed after her.

"Hey, do you mind if I sit with you?" I was startled for a minute but soon snapped out of it. "Y-Yeah sure." My face was now pink as I sat down on the bed right next to her. We got under the covers and played the movie.

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