please just save me...

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Take me away from here

Save me from at least one tear

Brake my soul or fix me whole

Just save me, please

Sometimes we fight for love

But, I will fight for life

My heart is broken

My soul is too.the only one who can save me is you

I lost have lost you, I don't know what to do

Please just save me

Help me fight this war

Help me live, don't let me die

Save my heart, keep it beating

Just save me, don't fix me

I'm too broken to be

Just save me, just save me

Someone was here, apart of my soul

They left, they took my soul with them

So this is how it ends

My name is in the sky

My eyes will never dry

This is how I die

I'm in heaven now

My scars are gone

I can see the light I never knew even existed

I never thought I'd see it

My eyes are dry now

My soul is here

I found you

You saved me

And here I am

I am safe now.

Fairy Tales Always EndWhere stories live. Discover now