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I was pulled from the black missile- proof van, into a protective circle of a dozen secret agents. I could feel my team pressing in around me, acting as more of a guard than the other agents. My team had flat-out refused to leave me, until we actually knew what was going on. Right now, we were shrouded in mystery as to why were put on a plane and taken to the heart of London England. I had no idea what awaited me behind the large glass doors of the even larger building.

I was marched inside; a man at the front of the group flashed a badge at secretary sitting behind a large desk. She nodded at the man and quickly looked away, face pale. A board behind her listed the names and rooms numbers of all the people that worked here. I scanned it quickly, committing it to memory in seconds. We were steered down a long hallway, passing many doors with no windows to see inside. As we passed, all the workers moved as close to the wall as they could, faces paling and not meeting eyes. Michael and I shared a glance. Just how serious was this situation? I clutched at the gun holstered on my hip, finding some comfort in the familiar hand hold. "Warns, we're in a music recording studio," Spencer whispered in my ear. I nodded; he only confirmed what I already knew.

The work area was brightly lit, colorful, and had multiple pictures of various singers and groups clustered around the walls. On a normal day, it would've been a lighter, happier place to work and record. But today it seemed as if the tension that had followed me on the plane now surrounded everyone here. The agents stopped at a door at the very end of the hall.

"Only Agent Warner," The MI5 agent said. "Either we all go, or she doesn't," Will said, and I knew he was crossing his arms, glaring a menacing look at the men, flexing his rope-like muscles. The agents all shared a very long look, then nodded at the four of us, and opened the door. The one agent went in, while my team and I followed behind. Inside the room, there was a large wooden desk with a tough looking guy with jet black hair sat. Six chairs had been placed in front of the desk, five of them occupied by teenage boys, who turned at the sound of the door opening. The office was shrouded in dark light; blinds had been pulled down around the windows.

"Agent Warner is here," The man said, stepping back so we could be seen. "Ah, Special Agent Jack Warner, it's a pleasure to meet you," The man behind the desk said, coming around and shaking Michael's hand. Spencer and I exchanged a raised-eyebrow look. Michael looked unnaturally startled. I could see how the man would think Michael was me. He fit the whole 'tough FBI agent' look... it didn't help much that I went by a guy's name, or didn't look much like an agent. I supposed I looked intimidating, with sharply defined muscles and my whole no-nonsense attitude, walking with an ass-swinging posture like I'd hit the next person who looked at my oddly. But what really seemed to shock people-good or bad, depending on the situation-was my dyed light purple-silver hair.

"I'm Agent Warner," I said, stepping forward and flashing my badge at him. It was his turn to look surprised. "My apologizes to you both. I just assumed..." The man said, now coming forward to shake my hand. "Don't worry about it, Simon," I said, shaking his hand. "You knew my name...have you been given information on why you were called here?" Simon said, dropping my hand and turning to give a harsh look at the other agent in the room.

"Your name was on the sign behind the front desk," I quickly intervened. "And I'm guessing there was a reason why I wasn't briefed before I was brought here," I said steadily. Simon just kept looking more surprised by the minute. "I'm guessing-and my guesses are usually right-that I'm here because of these five boys," I gestured to the guys sitting in the chairs. "There's probably some huge media attention on them-actors or something-and it would be too dangerous for people to find out about me. If people do find out, I suppose I'll be pretending to be a relative or girlfriend. That's why you wanted me. I'm around their age so no one will notice another teenager following after them."

Saving: Protecting: One Direction *UNDER MASSIVE EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now