Someone like Spider-Man

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   Peter is woken up by the sound of his phone getting a message from tony "do you mind swinging by after school"  he replies "sure" then after realizing the time he jumps out of bed get dressed puts his suit in his backpack and runs out the door for school before he's late.
    When he gets to school there is a new kid  named JB about to introduce herself so Peter sits down and listens. "Hi my name is JB I'm 15 I live with my uncle. umm.... I hope we can all be friends? that's all" teacher says " okay JB sit in between flash and Peter" " yes ma'am."
Later in the hallway
Flash pushes Peter up against the locker and starts hitting him and needing him in the gut. "Go away flash" flash says back " why our you gonna go cry to your mommy and a daddy oh wait you can't there dead" Peter replies "just go away and leave me alone" before flash can say anything back JB comes over there and grabs flash by the shirt throws him on the ground and said "he told you to leave him alone and you have no right to go and talk about the people he has lost" Flash stands up punches her in the face and then before he can do anything else she punches him in the nose and throws him against the wall  which knocks him out. Then walks over to Peter and says " hi I'm JB Hearts what's your name" Peter says "uuuhhhh...... oh um sorry my name is P-Peter Parker" "nice to meet ya Parker see you around"
     Ned looks at Parker after she leaves and says "that was  crazy" still in shock Peter reply's "ya"
After school
      Peter is changing into a suit in an alleyway but little does he know two alleyways  down JB is changing into her own suit. Peter starts swinging towards Tony Starks tower while JB is swinging the other direction they run into each other and peter loses grip of his web and starts to fall till JB catches a hold of him with her other web. They both looked at each other in shock while  Peter says " your like me" then JB says "we're you going Spidy" "Tony Stark's tower" he had replied JB then asks while there swinging "can We be friends" he then says "sure" still surprised of what just happened .
        When they get close to the tower JB says " so you're the famous Spiderman I've been hearing so much about"  "I guess" he replies then she says "well nice to meet you Spider-Man I am white spider" "is it OK if I throw you through the window" he says "sure" he said neither of them  being aware that all of the avengers are in that room. So she throws him through the window everyone looks and sees him not thinking too much of it because he has done it before but then when They see JB behind him they get all their weapons up not knowing that she is like Peter.
The mystery girl
          "Who are you" says Steve "why are you here" says Wanda "why did you throw Spiderman threw the  window"says Tony "answer our questions" says Sam "answer us" saysBruce "why did you throw him through the window" says Nat. JB is in shock from everyone asking her so many questions and Peter can't get to her all she says is "sorry for your trouble bye and oh by the way I know it's you Peter" and then swings out Then everyone turns to Peter and said "who was that and how was she like you and know who you were " Peter reply's  "Idk"
"What did we miss" says Bucky and Clint at the same time while looking at everyone with there weapons,the whole in the window, and Peter one the floor. Who ever that was we're going to go find them tomorrow after Peter gets home.
The next day
At school peter and JB started becoming friends
So when the last bell rang Peter ran up to JB and said " hey JB do you want to come over for dinner at my house" she replied saying "yeah sure let me grab something out of my locker and I'll meet you outside okay" he said "sounds good to me"

The whole way there they argued about who was smarter Bruce or tony. All the avengers were sitting on the couch so when the elevator got to the avengers floor all the avengers heard was "Tony  Bruce Tony Bruce tony Bruce" while they were doing this JB was walking backwards out of the elevator so when she hit the couch she ended up flipping over the couch but she laid it on her feet and said "I'm OK" while everyone looks at her the in shock then JB broke the silence by walking over to peter saying "Peter" "Peterrrrr" still everyone was in shock so JB decided to scream "PETER!!!!!!!" That had scared the crap out of Peter and he ended up falling while she just kept laughing. Since all the avengers were still in shock Peter and JB stood in the middle of the living room and screamed "avengers" and that took all of them out of shock. Then tony said "who is this Peter" " oh this is my friend JB" then Bruce said "why were you two screaming me and Tony's name when you came out of the elevator"JB said " oh well I can answer that one for you so when we started on our way here we started arguing about who was stronger tony or Nat I said Nat and he said tony. then we started arguing about who was smarter I had said Bruce and again Peter said tony then we got here still arguing then I accidentally flipped over your couch and you know the rest" then she turned to Peter and said "i win" then they had more stupid arguments all the way till dinner
Her true identity
     "So do y'all have missions today" in the middle of dinner tony said " yes we do why?" Just asking so what are y'all doing?" "We are going to speak with this girl everyone is calling night spider" every one looks at her like she is crazy when she said " so is Peter going with you" "w-why do you think I would g-go" "cause your Spider-Man" " she said casually then kept eating then tony broke the the silence "YOU TOLD HER" Peter reply's "NO of course I didn't I didn't even want to tell y'all why would I tell her" now all the Attention was on her so she just said " well if you listen to him when he is fighting and when he is his normal self you can see the nether of the shut up" every one just looked at her then she said "well I got to go" then she left then after she left they went out to see if they could find their night spider when they found her she started shooting electric webs at them and Clint started shooting arrow's at her and they just got her a big fight until she was sitting on the ground Peter said "we can do this to easy or the hard way tell us who you are or we will make you" then she said "no" and Peter pulled of her mask as her the looked at her in shock and all she said was " well sh*t" then Peter said Do you want to be an avenger" she replied "sure"
The end

Sorry if it was bad it my first one

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2019 ⏰

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